Study on Geometric Univalent Function Theory
RIMS 共同研究報告集
尾和 重義
Shigeyoshi Owa
目 次
Department of Applied Mathematics, Pukyong National University / Department of Mathematics, Kinki University CHO, NAK EUN / OWA, SHIGEYOSHI
Department of Mathematics, Kinki University / Department of Mathematics, Kinki University Hayami, Toshio / Owa, Shigeyoshi
Department of Mathematics, Kinki University / Department of Mathematics, Kinki University Kuroki, Kazuo / Owa, Shigeyoshi
Department of Mathematics, Kyungsung University / Department of Mathematics, Kyungsung University KWON, OH SANG / PARK, BYUNG GU
Department of Information and Physical Science, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University Miyakoda, Tsuyako
Institute for Applied Mathematics, Descartes Press Co. Nishimoto, Katsuyuki
Institute for Applied Mathematics, Descartes Press Co. Nishimoto, Katsuyuki
Department of Mathematics, Kinki University / Department of Mathematics, Kinki University / Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Victoria Nishiwaki, Junichi / Owa, Shigeyoshi / Srivastava, H.M.
Emeritus Professor of University of Gunma Nunokawa, Mamoru
Deppertment[Department] of Mathematics, Gunma National College of Technology Saitoh, Hitoshi
茨城大学 高野 勝男 (Takano, Katsuo)