RIMS Kôkyûroku
On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications
RIMS 共同研究報告集
尾和 重義
Shigeyoshi Owa
目 次
1. Coefficients for certain analytic functions related to arguments of ${f'(z)}$ (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)----1
    近畿大学理工学部 / 近畿大学理工学部 / 近畿大学理工学部 / 近畿大学理工学部   早味 俊夫 / 黒木 和雄 / 白石 將 / 尾和 重義 (Hayami,Toshio / Kuroki,Kazuo / Shiraishi,Hitoshi / Owa,Shigeyoshi)
2. On the univalence conditions for certain class of analytic functions (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)-------------8
    近畿大学理工学部 / 近畿大学理工学部   黒木 和雄 / 尾和 重義 (Kuroki,Kazuo / Owa,Shigeyoshi)
3. New Family of Integral Operators of Meromorphic Functions (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)-----------------------14
    School of Mathematical Sceinces[Sciences], Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia / School of Mathematical Sceinces[Sciences], Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia   Mohammed,Aabed / Darus,Maslina
4. On N-Fractional Calculus of the Function $((z -b)^2-c)^{-4}$ (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)--------------------21
    関西医科大学   都田 艶子 (Miyakoda,Tsuyako)
5. Solutions to Some Homogeneous Special Ordinary Differential Equation by Means of N-Fractional Calculus Operator (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)---31
    デカルト出版   西本 勝之 (Nishimoto,Katsuyuki)
6. The Solutions to The Radial Schrodinger Equation of The Hydrogen Atom by Means of N-Fractional Calculus Operator (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)---51
    デカルト出版   西本 勝之 (Nishimoto,Katsuyuki)
7. An extreme function for a certain class of analytic functions (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)-------------------68
    摂南大学理工学部 / 近畿大学理工学部   西脇 純一 / 尾和 重義 (Nishiwaki,Junichi / Owa,Shigeyoshi)
8. Extension theorems concerned with results by Ponnusamy and Karunakaran (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)----------74
    群馬大学 / 近畿大学理工学部 / Department of Mathematics, Rzeszow University of Technology / 近畿大学理工学部   布川 護 / 黒木 和雄 / Sokol Janusz / 尾和 重義 (Nunokawa,Mamoru / Kuroki,Kazuo / Sokol,Janusz / Owa,Shigeyoshi)
9. ON THE REPRESENTATION AND THE RESIDUE OF CONCAVE FUNCTIONS (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)----------------------82
    東北大学情報科学研究科   大野 林太郎 (OHNO,RINTARO)
10. Geometric properties of certain meromorphic functions (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)--------------------------86
    群馬工業高等専門学校   斎藤 斉 (Saitoh,Hitoshi)
11. Strongly starlikeness criteria for certain analytic functions (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)------------------91
    近畿大学理工学部 / 近畿大学理工学部   下田 穣 / 尾和 重義 (Shimoda,Yutaka / Owa,Shigeyoshi)
12. An extension of Nunokawa lemma (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)-------------------------------------------------96
    近畿大学理工学部   白石 將 (Shiraishi,Hitoshi)
13. ON THE ORDER OF STRONGLY CLOSE-TO-CONVEXITY OF STRONGLY CONVEX FUNCTIONS (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)------100
14. Radii of Starlikeness and Convexity for analytic functions with bounded derivative (On Schwarzian Derivatives and Its Applications)---107
    芝浦工業大学   山川 陸夫 (Yamakawa,Rikuo)