RIMS Kôkyûroku
Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics
RIMS 共同研究(公開型)
井口 達雄
Tatsuo Iguchi
目 次
1. On Chorin's method for the Oberbeck-Boussinesq equations (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)------------------------1
    九州大学数理学研究院   隠居 良行 (Kagei,Yoshiyuki)
2. On convergence criteria for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with Navier boundary conditions and physical slip rates (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)---9
    京都大学理学研究科 / Sorbonne Universites, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7598, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions   前川 泰則 / Paddick Matthew (Maekawa,Yasunori / Paddick,Matthew)
3. Dynamics of expanding gases (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)----------------------------------------------------24
    Department of Mathematics, King's College London / Department of Mathematics, University of Southern California   Hadzic,Mahir / Jang,Juhi
4. Navier wall law for nonstationary viscous incompressible flows (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)-----------------42
    京都大学理学研究科   檜垣 充朗 (Higaki,Mitsuo)
5. Large time behavior of solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in an infinite layer under slip boundary condition (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)---56
    九州大学数理学研究院   Aihaiti,Abulizi
6. Initial boundary value problem for the equation of suspended string (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)------------69
    慶應義塾大学理工学部数理科学科   高山 正宏 (Takayama,Masahiro)
7. Green-Naghdi and related models for shallow water waves (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)------------------------82
    山口大学工学部   松野 好雅 (Matsuno,Yoshimasa)
8. ON THE HAMILTONIAN FOR WATER WAVES (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)---------------------------------------------98
    Department of Mathematics, McMaster University   Craig,Walter
9. Mathematical analysis of Kuramoto-Sakaguchi equation (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)--------------------------115
    日本電信電話株式会社ネットワーク基盤技術研究所 / 慶應義塾大学理工学部   本多 泰理 / 谷 温之 (Honda,Hirotada / Tani,Atusi)
10. Numerical analysis on the traveling pulse in a kinetic chemotaxis model (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)------130
    兵庫県立大学シミュレーション学研究科   安田 修悟 (Yasuda,Shugo)
11. SMOOTHING DUE TO MIXING IN THE STATIONARY LINEARIZED BOLTZMANN EQUATION (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)------140
    京都大学情報学研究科   Chen,I-Kun
12. 1D BOLTZMANN EQUATION IN A PERIODIC BOX (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)--------------------------------------152
    Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University・National Center for Theoretical Sciences, National Taiwan University   Wu,Kung-Chien