Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling
T. Kambe, H. Okamoto
目 次
1. On Turbulence Modeling(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)-----------------------------------------------------------------1
    Department of Mathematics, University of California   Chorin, Alexandre J.
2. Degenerate Bifurcation in Stably Stratified Plane Poiseuille Flow(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)---------------------16
    Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute / Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering Department, University of California   Fujimura, K. / Kelly, R.E.
3. STEADY CONFIGURATIONS OF A VORTEX FILAMENT IN BACKGROUND FLOWS(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)------------------------26
    名古屋大学工学部   福本 康秀 (FUKUMOTO, YASUHIDE)
4. Differential-geometric formulation of the ideal MHD(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)-----------------------------------37
    Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University   Hattori, Yuji
5. Dynamics of Vortical Structure in a Homogeneous Shear Flow(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)----------------------------49
    RIMS, Kyoto University / Faculty of Science, Kyoto University   木田 重雄 / 田中 満 (Kida, Shigeo / Tanaka, Mitsuru)
6. Spontaneous Singularity Formation in the Shape of Vortex Sheet in Three-Dimensional Flow : Analysis and Numerical Simulation(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)---64
    富山大学理学部 / 名古屋大学工学部   石原 卓 / 金田 行雄
7. 渦輪の衝突から発生する渦音の数値シミュレーション---------------------------------------------------------------------------------73
    流体力学研究所 / 流体力学研究所   石井 克哉 / 安達 静子 (Ishii, Katsuya / Adachi, Shizuko)
8. Recent topics on the compressible Euler equation(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)--------------------------------------89
    Department of Liberal Arts, Osaka Sangyo University / Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology / Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology   Makino, Tetu / Mizohata, Kiyoshi / Ukai, Seiji
9. Three-dimensional instability of Kirchhoff's elliptic vortex : Its relation to the elliptical instability(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)---96
    Univ. Electro-Communications / Nagoya Univ.   宮嵜 武 / 福本 康秀 (Miyazaki, Takeshi / Fukumoto, Yasuhide)
10. 流れの中の形の形成:ベナール対流------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------112
    同志社大学工学部   水島 二郎 (Mizushima, Jiro)
11. On some numerical computations to the oil-reservoir problems(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)------------------------120
    Department of Mathematics, Fukuoka University of Education   中木 達幸 (Nakaki, Tatsuyuki)
12. Nearly singular two-dimensional Kolmogorov flows for large Reynolds numbers(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)---------128
    Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University   OKAMOTO, HISASHI
13. The Benard Problem of Rarefied Gas Dynamics(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)-----------------------------------------145
    Division of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Unviersity / Division of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Unviersity / Division of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Unviersity   曾根 良夫 / 青木 一生 / 杉元 宏[他] (Sone, Yoshio / Aoki, Kazuo / Sugimoto, Hiroshi)
14. 過熱液滴の振動のモデル化-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------158
    東京農工大学 / 東京農工大学   高木 隆司 / 徳川 直子 (Takaki, Ryuji / Tokugawa, Naoko)
15. Navier-Stokes Flow Down a Vertical Column : an Axisymmetric Case(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)--------------------172
    Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University   TERAMOTO, Yoshiaki
16. On the Singular Limits of the Boltzmann Equation(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)------------------------------------179
    Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology   Ukai, Seiji
17. Bifurcation Structures of Two-Dimensional Poiseuille Flow(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)---------------------------193
    Department of Physics, University of Tokyo   UMEKI, Makoto
18. A mathematical analysis of motions of viscous incompressible fluid under leak or slip boundary conditions(Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Modeling)---199
    Department of Mathematics, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University   FUJITA, Hiroshi