Kyoto-CAU Joint Meeting on Nonlinear PDEs

About the venue

Hotel Kanazawa Kenrokusou  [ze Z]

Address: 6-40 Oyama Town, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, 920-0918, Japan
[920-0918 ΐ쌧sRU|SO]
Telephone:  +81-76-232-1239 [076-232-1239]
Website: JP / KR / EN

Access to the venue

 See the information in Hotel's website (JP / KR / EN).
 From Kanazawa Station (about 2 km), Bus or Taxi is convenient.

Tourist information

 See the information in Hotel's website (JP / KR / EN).
 The Hotel is located in the center of the city and near Kanazawa Castle Park / Kenroku-en.