GBFPUM - A MATLAB Package for Partition of Unity Based Signal Interpolation and Approximation on Graphs

TitleGBFPUM - A MATLAB Package for Partition of Unity Based Signal Interpolation and Approximation on Graphs
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsCavoretto, R, De Rossi, A, Erb, W
JournalDolomites Research Notes on Approximation
Date Published10/2022
PublisherPadova Univeristy Press
Place PublishedPadova
ISSN Number2035-6803

This is a manual for the software package GBFPUM, a MATLAB toolbox for the generation of a partition of unity on graphs and their application as an interpolation and approximation tool for graph signals. GBFPUM combines local kernel approximation based on graph basis functions (GBFs) with a partition of unity method (PUM) in order to obtain a low-cost global interpolation or classification scheme for large graphs. We give a detailed description of all the routines implemented in the MATLAB package and show how the code can be used to interpolate graph signals in concrete examples.
