The role of disorder in the dynamics of critical fluctuations of mean field models

Francesca Collet (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Paolo Dai Pra (Universita' di Padova)


The purpose of this paper is to analyze how disorder affects the dynamics of critical fluctuations for two different types of interacting particle system: the Curie-Weiss and Kuramoto model. The models under consideration are a collection of spins and rotators respectively. They both are subject to a mean field interaction and embedded in a site-dependent, i.i.d. random environ- ment. As the number of particles goes to infinity their limiting dynamics become deterministic and exhibit phase transition. The main result con- cerns the fluctuations around this deterministic limit at the critical point in the thermodynamic limit. From a qualitative point of view, it indicates  that when disorder is added spin and rotator systems belong to two different classes of universality, which is not the case for the homogeneous models (i.e., without disorder).

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Pages: 1-40

Publication Date: March 23, 2012

DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v17-1896

Supplementary Files

Dai Pra Paolo (176KB)


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