Tracy-Widom law for the extreme eigenvalues of sample correlation matrices

Zhigang Bao (Zhejiang University)
Guangming Pan (Nanyang Technological University)
Wang Zhou (National University of Singapore)


Let the sample correlation matrix be $W=YY^T$, where $Y=(y_{ij})_{p,n}$ with $y_{ij}=x_{ij}/\sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^nx_{ij}^2}$. We assume $\{x_{ij}: 1\leq i\leq p, 1\leq j\leq n\}$ to be a collection of independent symmetrically distributed random variables with sub-exponential tails. Moreover, for any $i$, we assume $x_{ij}, 1\leq j\leq n$ to be identically distributed. We assume $0<p<n$ and $p/n\rightarrow y$ with  some $y\in(0,1)$ as $p,n\rightarrow\infty$. In this paper, we provide the Tracy-Widom  law ($TW_1$) for both the largest and smallest eigenvalues of $W$. If $x_{ij}$ are i.i.d. standard normal, we can derive the $TW_1$ for both the largest and smallest eigenvalues of the matrix $\mathcal{R}=RR^T$, where $R=(r_{ij})_{p,n}$ with $r_{ij}=(x_{ij}-\bar x_i)/\sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^n(x_{ij}-\bar x_i)^2}$, $\bar x_i=n^{-1}\sum_{j=1}^nx_{ij}$.

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Pages: 1-32

Publication Date: October 4, 2012

DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v17-1962


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