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  Volume 4(2002), No. 2(2)

Table of Contents

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1. Koszul homology and Lie algebras with application to generic forms and points

R. Fröberg and C. Löfwal, 227-258

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2. Defining relations for classical Lie superalgebras without Cartan matrices

P. Grozman, D. Leites and E. Poletaeva, 259-275

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3. Resolutions by mapping cones

Jürgen Herzog and Yukihide Takayama, 277-294

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4. Presentation Depth and the Lipman-Sathaye Jacobian Theorem

Melvin Hochster, 295-314

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5. On Constructing Resolutions Over the Polynomial Algebra

Leif Johansson, Larry Lambe and Emil Sköldberg, 315-336

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6. A periodisation of semisimple Lie algebras

Anna Larsson, 337-355

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7. Noncommutative deformations of modules

O. A. Laudal, 357-396

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8. The Riemann tensor for nonholonomic manifolds

Dimitry Leites, 397-407

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9. Some conjectures about the Hilbert series of generic ideals in the exterior algebra

Guillermo Moreno-Socías and Jan Snellman, 409-426

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10. Resolutions and Lattices

Irena Peeva, 427-437

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