DOI: 10.7155/jgaa.00161
Drawing Bipartite Graphs on Two Parallel Convex Curves
Emilio Di Giacomo , Luca Grilli , and Giuseppe Liotta
Vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 97-112, 2008. Regular paper

Abstract Let G be a bipartite graph, and let λei be two parallel convex curves; we study the question about whether G admits a planar straight-line drawing such that the vertices of one partite set of G lie on λe and the vertices of the other partite set lie on λi. A characterization is presented that gives rise to linear time testing algorithm. We also describe a drawing algorithm that runs in linear time if the curves are two concentric circles and the real RAM model of computation is adopted.
Submitted: December 2006.
Revised: September 2007.
Communicated by Michael Kaufmann and Dorothea Wagner

Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications