
List of Tables

Table 1:
Low-mass X-ray binaries in globular clusters. Host clusters and LMXB properties.
Table 2:
Quiescent Low-mass X-ray binaries in globular clusters.
Table 3:
Short-orbital-period binary millisecond pulsars in globular clusters. Host clusters and orbital properties. See External Link for references to each pulsar.
Table 4:
Structural parameters for 47 Tuc and ω Cen taken from Davies and Benz [95]. Mtot is the total mass, ρ 0 the central density, r c the core radius, r t the tidal radius and t rh the current estimated half-mass relaxation time.
Table 5:
The mean number of eccentric binaries per cluster (⟨N ⟩) and the Poisson probability (P N) that at least N eccentric DWDs are present at any given time. Data taken from Willems et al. 2007 [487].
Table 6:
The cumulative number of BH–BH binaries after 3, 9, and 25 trh, and also after 1 T H. The first column gives the initial conditions. 10 or 50 in the first place indicates 10% or 50% primordial binaries. sol or low indicates a metallicity of z = 0.02 or z = 0.001. The number in the third place indicates rt∕rh = 21, 37, 75 or 180. Each column is averaged over ten independent realizations and includes the 1σ uncertainty. A dash in a column indicates that the cluster did not reach that number of half-mass relaxation times within one Hubble time. Reproduced by permission from Downing et al. 2010 [111]