鈴木 貴
Takashi Suzuki
目 次
1. On a conjecture of Arnold---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
    お茶の水大学理学部   小野 薫 (ONO, Kaoru)
2. PSEUDO-HOLOMORPHIC CURVES AND MULTIBUMP HOMOCLINIC ORBITS------------------------------------------------------------------------12
    ETH Zurich / Universite de Cergy-Pontoise   Cieliebak, Kai / Sere, Eric
3. Existence of group invariant solutions for semilinear elliptic equations---------------------------------------------------------24
    長崎総合科学大学   梶木屋 龍治 (Kajikiya, Ryuji)
4. BEHAVIOR OF RADIALLY SYMMETRIC SOLUTIONS OF A SYSTEM RELATED TO CHEMOTAXIS-------------------------------------------------------32
    Department of Mathematics, Kyushu Institute of Technology / Department of Applied Mathematics, Miyazaki University   永井 敏隆 / 仙葉 隆 (NAGAI, TOSHITAKA / SENBA, TAKASI)
5. NONLINEAR MULTIPARAMETER EIGENVALUE PROBLEMS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40
    The Division of Mathematical and Information Sciences, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University   柴田 徹太郎 (Shibata, Tetsutaro)
6. Multiple positive solutions for some nonlinear elliptic systems------------------------------------------------------------------53
    早稲田大学理工学部数学科   田中 和永 (Tanaka, Kazunaga)
7. Existence and partial regularity for heat flows for a variational functional of degenerate type----------------------------------62
    Department of Computer Science and Information Mathematics, Faculty of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications   三沢 正史 (Misawa, Masashi)
8. Capillary problem for singular degenerate parabolic equations in a general domain------------------------------------------------81
    東京都立大学理学部 / 室蘭工業大学工学部   石井 仁司 / 佐藤 元彦 (Ishii, Hitoshi / Sato, Moto-Hiko)
9. On the uniqueness of entropy solutions for $u_t + \nabla \cdot A(u) = \Delta\beta(u)$--------------------------------------------96
    徳島大学工学部   岡本 邦也 (OKAMOTO, Kuniya)
10. FROM MICROSCOPIC TO MACROSCOPIC MODELS FOR PHASE TRANSITIONS-------------------------------------------------------------------107
    Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Massachusetts   カツォウラキス M.A. (Katsoulakis, Markos A.)
11. Semicontinuous solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations with degeneracy----------------------------------------------------------120
    埼玉大学   小池 茂昭 (KOIKE, Shigeaki)
12. A Degree Theory for Subdifferential Operators----------------------------------------------------------------------------------131
    早稲田大学理工学部   小林 純 (Kobayashi, Jun)
13. VARIATION OF CURVATURES AND STABILITY OF HYPERSURFACES-------------------------------------------------------------------------147
    Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University / Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University   Adbel-All, N.H. / Hussien, Rawya A.
14. Exterior Plateau Problem-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------162
    名古屋大学大学院多元数理科学研究科   笹原 康浩 (Sasahara, Yasuhiro)
15. On Global Minimizers for a Variational Problem with non-local effect related to micro-phase separation-------------------------171
    Department of Computer Sciences and Information Mathematics, Faculty of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications / Laboratory of Nonlinear Studies and computations, Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University   大西 勇 / 西浦 廉政 (Ohnishi, Isamu / Nishiura, Yasumasa)
16. Finite element approximation for some quasilinear elliptic problems------------------------------------------------------------177
    Department of Mathematics, Osaka University   Matsuzawa, Yuki