Doctor Theses
- 2011
- Naohiko Hoshino
- A modified GoI interpretation for a linear functional programming language
and its adequacy
- 2010
- Kenshi Miyabe
- An extension of van Lambalgen's Theorem to infinitely many relative
1-random reals
- 2009
- Kazuyuki Asada
- Extensional universal types for call-by-value
- 2007
- Keiko Nakata
- A Module System with Applicative Functors and Recursive Path References
(Available as Preprint RIMS-1583, Kyoto University, 2007
- 2006
- Keisuke Nakano
- An Implementation Scheme for XML Transformation Languages through Derivation of Stream Processors
- 2003
- Yoshihiko Kakutani
- Duality between Call-by-Name Recursion and Call-by-Value Iteration
- 1999
- Masatomo Hashimoto
- First-Class Contexts in ML
- Makoto Tanabe
- Timed Petri Nets and Temporal Linear Logic
- 1997
- Yasuhiko Minamide
- Full Lifting of Type Parameters
- 1996
- Kohji Kagawa
- Mutable Data Structure and Composable References
in a Pure Functional Language
- Susumu Nishimura
- Strict Functional Language with Cyclic Recursive Data
- 1993
- Takashi Hattori
- Constraint Logic Programming with Priority
Master Theses
- 2014
- Yuki Goto
- 知能ロボティクスへの応用を目指した、因果関係と不確実性を扱うエージェント理論の研究
- Toru Takisaka
- The Computational Content of the Axiom of Determinacy in Arithmetic
- 2013
- Kei Matsumoto
- Characterizations of computable and polynomial-time real operators via moduli of continuity
- Shota Motoura
- On the semantic meaning of reduction axioms in public announcement logic
- 2012
- Takanori Hida
- The Computational Content of the Axiom of Determinacy in Arithmetic
- 2011
- Yawara Ishida
- Weakly Commutative Linear Categories
- Tetsuya Sato
- A nondeterministic probabilistic monad for deterministic schedulers on probabilistic automata
- 2009
- Rossen Mikhov
- Call-by-name, Call-by-value, Call-by-need and Duality
- 2008
- Hiroto Tsuji
- A Term Equivalence Checking Algorithm for the
Simply Typed Lambda Calculus with the Empty Type
- 2007
- Naohiko Hoshino
- Linear Realizability
- Kenshi Miyabe
- Classification of Index Sets of Functions
- 2006
- Yu Harada
- Correctness of a Type-Directed Compilation to Low-Level Machine Code
- Yo Ohta
- A Terminating and Confluent Linear Lambda Calculus
- 2005
- Ariya Ishihara
- An Approximation Based Approach to Infinitary Term Rewriting Systems
- 2004
- Keiko Nakata
- Object-Oriented Module System with Mutual References
- Tadahiro Suda
- Non-Backtrack Topdown Algorithm for Testing Tree Automata Containment
- Akifumi Yato
- Type Inference for a Quantum Programming Language
- 2003
- Masanori Abe
- Specification and Verification of Flow of Control
in Object-Oriented Application Framework
- Hidekazu Segawa
- On Light-Weight Compositional Verification Method for Model Checking
- 2001
- Akira Ito
- Controlling the Information Usage in the Pi-Calculus
- Yoshihiko Kakutani
- Duality between Call-by-Name Recursion and Call-by-Value Iteration
- 2000
- Shin-ya Katsumata
- A Simply Typed Lambda Calculus with Type Substitution
- Keisuke Nakano
- Attribute-Directed Extraction of a Contect-Free Grammar
- 1999
- Yoshio Hayashi
- System Designing Based on Pattern Detection in Event Based
Real-Time Systems - Automata Theoretic Approach -
- 1998
- Takeomi Kato
- ML-Like Implicitly Typed Byte Code
- 1997
- Tomonori Izumida
- A Temporal Extension of Intuitionistic Linear Logic
--- for temporal description of resources ---
- Nobuaki Yoshida
- A Functional Programming Language with Overloaded Definitions
and Its Compilation Technique
- 1996
- Jun P. Furuse
- A Label-Selective Lambda-Calculus with Optional Arguments and
its Compilation Method
- Masatomo Hashimoto
- A Typed Calculus for Contexts
- Noritaka Kawakatsu
- RSM -- Real-Time Synchronization Machines
for Continuous Media Data
- Akira Sasaki
- A Monitoring Semantics for Parallel Debugging
- 1995
- Tatsuya Jinmei
- A Process Algebra with Preemption
- Tomonobu Takamizawa
- The Polymorphic Unboxed Calculus and its Compilation Technique
- 1994
- Masahito Hasegawa
- Contextual Calculus, Cartesian Category and
Categorical Data Types
- Susumu Nishimura
- An Algorithm for Program Difference Integration
--- Heyting Algebraic Approach ---
- Makoto Tanabe
- Towards a Formal Framework for Multimedia Data
and Their Platers with QoS
- 1993
- Kohji Kagawa
- Modeling Objects with Internal and Mutable States
in Purely Functional Programming Languages
- Izuru Kume
- EM-Logic
- Yasuhiko Minamide
- Sharing Analysis Based on Type Inference
- Before 1993
- Daishiro Kato
- Categorial Attributed Grammars
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University,
606-8502 Japan.