Satoru FUJISHIGE (Professor Emeritus, Dr. Eng.)
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Kyoto University
Japanese version
- Research Fields
- Mathematical Engineering, Mathematical Optimization,
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Discrete Algorithms
- Graphs, Networks, and Matroids
- Submodular Functions
- Linear Programming and the LP-Newton Method
- Lecture
- NIPS Workshop on Discrete Optimization in Machine Learning (DISCML) 2012 (invited talk): Submodularity and Discrete Convexity (video)
- Prize
- 2003 Fulkerson Prize (The American Mathematical Society and The
Mathematical Programming Society (the name of the latter was changed to The Mathematical Optimization Society in 2011))
- Editorial Board Members
- 1987--Present: Discrete Applied Mathematics
- 2004--Present: Discrete Optimization
- 2005--Present: Pacific Journal of Optimization
- 2008--2010 (Editor): Journal of the Operations Research Society
of Japan
- Books
- S. Fujishige: "Submodular Functions and
Optimization" (North-Holland, 1991) (2nd ed., Elsevier, 2005), correction
- M. Iri, S. Fujishige, and T. Oyama: "Graphs, Networks, and Matroids"
(Sangyo-Tosho, 1986, 2005) (in Japanese)
- S. Fujishige: "Discrete Mathematics " (Iwanami, 1993) (in Japanese)
- The list of selected publications
- A code in C for submodular function minimization is available upon request by e-mail.
E-mail : fujishig (at)