Research into Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Combinatorics
RIMS 研究集会報告集
宮本 雅彦
Masahiko Miyamoto
目 次
1. Tridiagonal pair と Drinfel'd polynomial (頂点作用素代数・有限群・組合せ論の研究)-------------------------------------------------1
    金沢大学数物科学系   伊藤 達郎 (Ito,Tatsuro)
2. Around equivalences on APN functions (Research into Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Combinatorics)-------------------13
    東京女子大学現代教養学部数理科学科   吉荒 聡 (Yoshiara,Satoshi)
3. 複素球面上のデザインとコード (頂点作用素代数・有限群・組合せ論の研究)------------------------------------------------------------22
    東北大学大学院情報科学研究科   須田 庄 (Suda,Sho)
4. 球面上の最大2距離集合の一意性 (頂点作用素代数・有限群・組合せ論の研究)-----------------------------------------------------------32
    東北大学大学院情報科学研究科   野崎 寛 (NOZAKI,Hiroshi)
5. Generalizations of Burnside ring and their applications (Research into Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Combinatorics)---41
    室蘭工業大学   竹ヶ原 裕元 (Takegahara,Yugen)
6. A generalisation of Turyn's construction of self-dual codes (Research into Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Combinatorics)---51
    Lehrstuhl D fur Mathematik, RWTH Aachen University   Nebe,Gabriele
7. Associating quantum vertex algebras to quantum affine algebras (Research into Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Combinatorics)---60
    Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rutgers University   Li,Haisheng
8. Toward the classification of holomorphic framed vertex operator algebras of central charge 24 (Research into Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Combinatorics)---73
    愛知教育大学   島倉 裕樹 (Shimakura,Hiroki)
9. The Bosonic Vertex Operator Algebra on a Genus $g$ Riemann Surface (Research into Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Combinatorics)---81
    School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics, National University of Ireland Galway / School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics, National University of Ireland Galway   Tuite,Michael P. / Zuevsky,Alexander
10. On $C_2$-cofiniteness of $\mathbb{Z}_2$-permutation orbifold models of vertex operator algebras (Research into Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Combinatorics)---94
    愛媛大学理工学研究科   安部 利之 (Abe,Toshiyuki)
11. Intertwining operator and $C_2$-cofiniteness of modules (Research into Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Combinatorics)---101
    筑波大学数理物質科学研究科   宮本 雅彦 (Miyamoto,Masahiko)
12. Remarks on vertex operator algebras and Jacobi forms (Research into Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Combinatorics)---106
    Department of Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz / Department of Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz   Krauel,Matt / Mason,Geoffrey