Studies in Relative Consistency Proofs with Particular Emphasis on Set Theoretic Methods
宮元 忠敏
Tadatoshi Miyamoto
目 次
1. Variations of Hechler's theorem (Studies in Relative Consistency Proofs with Particular Emphasis on Set Theoretic Methods)--------1
    北見工業大学   嘉田 勝 (Kada,Masaru)
2. Iterated forcing indestructibility of MAD families (Studies in Relative Consistency Proofs with Particular Emphasis on Set Theoretic Methods)---29
    神戸大学自然科学研究科   矢田部 俊介 (Yatabe,Shunsuke)
3. Variants of subtlety in $P_\kappa \lambda$ : comparison of ideals defined by combinatorial principles (Studies in Relative Consistency Proofs with Particular Emphasis on Set Theoretic Methods)---47
    神奈川大学工学部   阿部 吉弘 (Abe,Yoshihiro)
4. Internal approachabilityの諸相とその応用 (集合論的手法による相対的無矛盾性の証明の周辺)------------------------------------------67
    中部大学工学部理学教室   渕野 昌 (Fuchino,Sakae)
5. Cardinal invariants associated with some combinatorial statements (Studies in Relative Consistency Proofs with Particular Emphasis on Set Theoretic Methods)---78
    大阪府立大学総合科学部   加茂 静夫 (Kamo,Shizuo)
6. SOME REMARKS ON S.SHELAH'S FORMULA (Studies in Relative Consistency Proofs with Particular Emphasis on Set Theoretic Methods)----88
    北陸職業能力開発大学校   溝口 実 (Mizoguchi,Minoru)
7. BSPFA Combined with One Measurable Cardinal (Studies in Relative Consistency Proofs with Particular Emphasis on Set Theoretic Methods)---114
    南山大学数理情報学部   宮元 忠敏 (Miyamoto,Tadatoshi)