RIMS Kôkyûroku
Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations in real domains and its applications
RIMS 研究集会報告集
宇佐美 広介
Hiroyuki Usami
目 次
1. On the influence of delay to the strength of oscillation criteria for neutral second order half-linear differential equations (Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations in real domains and its applications)---1
    Department of Mathematics, Mendel University in Brno   Marik,Robert
2. Complete asymptotic analysis of second-order differential equations of Thomas-Fermi type in the framework of regular variation (Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations in real domains and its applications)---14
    広島大学 / University of Nis, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Department of Mathematics / Serbian Academy of Science and Arts   草野 尚 / Manojlovic Jelena V. / Maric Vojislav (Kusano,Takasi / Manojlovic,Jelena V. / Maric,Vojislav)
3. ON THE EXISTENCE OF $p$-ELASTIC CLOSED CURVES AND FLAT-CORE SOLUTIONS IN S$^2(G)$ (Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations in real domains and its applications)---35
    横浜国立大学工学研究科 / 防衛大学校   塩路 直樹 / 渡辺 宏太郎 (Shioji,Naoki / Watanabe,Kohtaro)
4. Oscillation constants for second-order nonlinear differential equations with $p$-Laplacian (Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations in real domains and its applications)---55
    大阪府立大学大学院工学研究科   山岡 直人 (Yamaoka,Naoto)
5. Inverse and direct bifurcation problems for nonlinear elliptic equations (Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations in real domains and its applications)---74
    広島大学大学院工学研究院   柴田 徹太郎 (Shibata,Tetsutaro)
6. Effect of cell-mediated, humoral immune responses on global dynamics of a delayed virus infection model (Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations in real domains and its applications)---83
    東京大学数理科学研究科 / School of Mathematical Science, Heilongjiang University / 神戸大学システム情報学研究科   江夏 洋一 / Wang Jinliang / 國谷 紀良 (Enatsu,Yoichi / Wang,Jinliang / Kuniya,Toshikazu)
7. 多次元ODEとしての感染症の数理モデルに対する漸近安定性解析 (実領域における常微分方程式の定性的理論とその応用)--------------------108
    神戸大学大学院システム情報学研究科   國谷 紀良 (Kuniya,Toshikazu)
8. Some properties of eigenvalues for fully nonlinear operators (Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations in real domains and its applications)---128
    東北大学理学研究科   生駒 典久 (Ikoma,Norihisa)
9. Pattern dynamics of a reaction-diffusion-advection system with bistable growth (Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations in real domains and its applications)---142
    宮崎大学工学部   辻川 亨 (Tsujikawa,Tohru)
10. 常微分不等式に対する加藤の補題の改良と半線形波動方程式への応用 (実領域における常微分方程式の定性的理論とその応用)--------------153
    公立はこだて未来大学システム情報科学部複雑系知能学科   高村 博之 (Takamura,Hiroyuki)