RIMS Kôkyûroku
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology
RIMS ‹¤“¯Œ¤‹†iŒöŠJŒ^j
Tomotada Ohtsuki
1. A full-twist inequality for the $\nu^{+}$ invariant (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)------------------------------------1
@@@@“Œ‹žH‹Æ‘åŠw—Šw‰@@@@²“¡ ŒõŽ÷@(Sato,Kouki)
2. Splitting formulas for the rational lift of the Kontsevich integral : a survey (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)---------8
3. A Family of Equations Derived from the Moves to 2-Dimensional Foams (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)-------------------23
@@@@University of South Alabama, Department of Mathematics and Statistics@@@Carter,J. Scott
4. Instanton moduli spaces on 4-manifolds with periodic end and an obstruction of the existence of embeddings (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)---42
@@@@“Œ‹ž‘åŠw”—‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@’JŒû ³Ž÷@(Taniguchi,Masaki)
5. The double covering method for twisted knots (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)------------------------------------------48
@@@@–¼ŒÃ‰®Žs—§‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@ƒVƒXƒeƒ€Ž©‘R‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@Š™“c ’¼Žq@(Kamada,Naoko)
6. Recent progress of various Volume Conjectures for links as well as 3-manifolds (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)--------56
@@@@Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich@@@Chen,Qingtao
7. Some conjectures about the colored Jones polynomial (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)-----------------------------------74
@@@@“Œ–k‘åŠw@@@Tran,Anh T.
8. On some topological invariants related to localized wave functions (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)--------------------82
@@@@ŽY‹Æ‹Zp‘‡Œ¤‹†ŠE“Œ–k‘åŠw”—æ’[Þ—¿ƒ‚ƒfƒŠƒ“ƒOƒI[ƒvƒ“ƒCƒmƒx[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ƒ‰ƒ{ƒ‰ƒgƒŠ@@@—Ñ W@(Hayashi,Shin)
9. Simple-ribbon fusions and Alexander polynomials (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)---------------------------------------91
@@@@‘åãH‹Æ‘åŠw / ‘åãH‹Æ‘åŠw / ‘åãH‹Æ‘åŠw / ‘åãH‹Æ‘åŠw@@@Îì P•v / ŠÝ–{ Œ’Œá / a’J “N•v / ’Ë–{ ’B–ç@(Ishikawa,Tsuneo / Kishimoto,Kengo / Shibuya,Tetsuo / Tsukamoto,Tatsuya)
10. Presentations of (immersed) surface-knots by marked graph diagrams (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)-------------------98
11. Lifts of holonomy representations and the volume of a knot complement (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)---------------109
@@@@“Œ‹ž”_H‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@HŠwŒ¤‹†‰@@@@‡“c —m@(Goda,Hiroshi)
12. Problems on Low-dimensional Topology, 2017 (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)------------------------------------------121
@@@@‹ž“s‘åŠw”—‰ðÍŒ¤‹†Š / ‘åã‘åŠw—ŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@‘å’Î ’m’‰ / ˆÉ“¡ “N–ç@(Ohtsuki,Tomotada / Ito,Tetsuya[ed.])