© 1990-2011, The Editorial Board of Mathematica Pannonica
ISSN 0865-2090


Contents of volume 8/1


           Sachs, H. and Tironi, G.: Ein Leben für die Mathematik, Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 3-10.

           Domokos, M. and Popov, A.: On the degree of nilpotency of the radical of relatively free algebras,
Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 11-16.

           Schipp, F. and Weisz, F.: Tree martingales and a.e. convergence of Vilenkin-Fourier series,
Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1,  17-36.

           Horváth, E.: M-Blocks of solvable groups, Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 37-47.

           Forti, G. L.: Continuous increasing weakly bisymmetric groupoids and quasi-groupoids in R,
Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 49-71.

           Kalkbrener, M.: An upper bound on the number of monomials in determinants of sparse matrices with symbolic entries,
Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 73-82.

           Ger, J. and Ger, R.: On some curves in vector lattices, Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 83-102.

           Száz, Á.: Uniformly, proximally and topologically compact relators, Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 103-116.

           Schöpf, P.: Solutions of ǀǀ f ( ξ + η ) ǀǀ = ǀǀ f ( ξ ) + f ( η ) ǀǀ, Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 117-127.

           Domokos, A.: Parametric monotone generalized equations in reflexive Banach spaces, Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 129-136. 

           Horváth, J. and H. Temesvári, Á.: Über die Enge von Kugel-Packungen und Dicke von Punktsystemen in hyperbolischen Räumen,
Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 137-154.

           Pogány, T.: Aliasing in the sampling restoration of non-bandlimited homogeneous random fields,
Math. Pannon. 8 (1997), no. 1, 155-164.



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M a t h e m a t i c a   P a n n o n i c a

Founded in 1990 by
I. GY. Maurer (Hungary) and H. Sachs (Austria)