Promenade in Inter-Universal Teichmüller Theory

Org.: Collas (RIMS); Dèbes, Fresse (Lille).

The Programme of the seminar contains a selection of ~30 references with respect to (1) Diophantine Geometry, (2) IUT Geometry, and (3) Anabelian Geometry. We indicate some links towards the key opuses as well as some complementary notes and proceedings.

Expanding Horizons of Inter-Universal Teichmüller Theory

A series of conferences on introduction, recent advances, and related works to IUT took place at the RIMS-Kyoto in 2021:

IUT ressources of the project (incl. videos of the talks): Notes of Invitation to IUT and Notes of IUT Summit 2021.

Note: A Leitfaden of the talks is given below:

Key Opuses and Notes

The key opuses and the canon of Inter-Universal Teichmüller theory (with comments and updates) can be found on Professor Mochizuki's webpage, §-Inter-universal Teichmüller Theory. Professor Ivan Fesenko organized multiples workshops introducing IUT and maintains a webpage of ressources:

Berkeley Colloquium Erratum (Nov. 2020). Professor Mochizuki's slides can be found on his official website.

See also Fesenko's papers for recent advances and introductory texts.



Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS)