平成18年度 日仏セミナー |
Algebraic, Analytic and Geometric Aspects of Complex Differential Equations and their Deformations. Painlevé Hierarchies |
平成18年5月15日(月)〜 5月20日(土) 京都大学数理解析研究所4階420号室 |
招待講演者 :
Y. André (ENS),
| P. Boalch (ENS),
M. Brunella (Dijon),
| R. Conte (CEA-Saclay),
D. Guzzetti (RIMS, Kyoto),
| N. Honda (Hokkaido),
K. Iwasaki (Kyushu),
| K. Kajiwara (Kyushu),
T. Koike (Kyoto),
| F. Loray (Rennes),
B. Malgrange (Grenoble),
| T. Masuda (Kobe),
T. Morimoto (Nara),
| Y. Ohyama (Osaka),
H. Sakai (Tokyo),
| J. Sauloy (Toulouse),
D. Sauzin (IMCCE),
| R. Schäfke (Strasbourg),
S. Shimomura (Keio, Yokohama),
| Y. Takei (RIMS, Kyoto),
T. Tsuda (Kobe),
| Y. Yamada (Kobe)
(French side)
D. Bertrand (Paris VI), R. Conte (Saclay),
F. Loray (Rennes), B. Malgrange (Grenoble), J.-P. Ramis (Toulouse), C. Sabbah (Ecole Polytechnique), R. Schäfke (Strasbourg) (Japanese side) T. Aoki (Kinki, Osaka), K. Iwasaki (Kyushu), M. Jimbo (Tokyo), T. Kawai (RIMS, Kyoto), M. Noumi (Kobe), S. Shimomura (Keio, Yokohama), K. Takano (Kobe), Y. Takei (RIMS, Kyoto), H. Umemura (Nagoya) |
J.-P. Ramis (Toulouse, organizer-in-chief), Y. Takei (RIMS, Kyoto, organizer-in-chief), T. Aoki (Kinki, Osaka), T. Kawai (RIMS, Kyoto), T. Koike (Kyoto) ※問合わせ: Y. Takei (075-753-7249, takei@kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp) |
この研究集会は,日本学術振興会,フランス CNRS,フランス ANR の "Galois" プロジェクト,京都大学21世紀COEプログラム「先端数学の国際拠点形成と 次世代研究者育成」からの支援を受けて,日本学術振興会二国間交流事業・ フランスとのセミナー,及び京都大学数理解析研究所の共同研究事業の一つ として行われるものです.
5月15日(月) |
10:00 -- 11:00 | Bernard Malgrange (Inst. Fourier, Grenoble)
| Moving frames and foliations
11:15 -- 12:15 | Frank Loray (Univ. de Rennes) | Isomonodromic deformation of Lamé connections
14:00 -- 15:00 | Yves Andráe (Ecole Normale Superieure) | Formal structure of meromorphic connections in several variables
15:15 -- 16:15 | Yousuke Ohyama (Osaka Univ.) | On R. Fuchs' problem and linear monodromy
16:30 -- 17:30 | Shun Shimomura (Keio Univ., Yokohama) | Family of solutions of a Garnier system
9:30 -- 10:30 | Kenji Kajiwara (Kyushu Univ.) | Hypergeometric solutions to the q-Painlevé equation of type (A_1+A_1')^{(1)}
10:45 -- 11:45 | Davide Guzzetti (RIMS, Kyoto Univ.) | A matching procedure for the sixth Painlevé equation
13:30 -- 14:30 | Reinhard Schäfke (Univ. L. Pasteur, Strasbourg) | Monomial summability
14:45 -- 15:45 | Naofumi Honda (Hokkaido Univ.) | On the Stokes geometry of Noumi-Yamada systems
16:15 -- 17:15 | Tatsuya Koike (Kyoto Univ.) | On the Hamiltonian representation of the second and fourth Painlevé hierarchies
9:30 -- 10:30 | Robert Conte (CEA-Saclay) | On the Lax pairs of the sixth Painlevé equation
10:45 -- 11:45 | Katsunori Iwasaki (Kyushu Univ.) | An ergodic study of Painlevé VI (joint work with T. Uehara)
( Free afternoon )
18:30 -- | Reception*
9:30 -- 10:30 | Tohru Morimoto (Nara Women's Univ.) | Representations of Lie algebras and systems of partial differential equations in the framework of nilpotent analysis
10:45 -- 11:45 | Marco Brunella (Inst. de Bourgogne, Dijon) | Leaves of singular foliations by curves
13:30 -- 14:30 | Jacques Sauloy (Univ. P. Sabatier, Toulouse) | The q-analogue of the wild fundamental group (joint work with J.-P. Ramis)
14:45 -- 15:45 | Teruhisa Tsuda (Kobe Univ.) | Universal character and q-Painlevé equations
16:15 -- | Poster session* (I)
9:30 -- 10:30 | Tetsu Masuda (Kobe Univ.) | The anti-self-dual Yang-Mills equation and the third Painlevé equation
10:45 -- 11:45 | Philip Boalch (Ecole Normale Superieure) | Towards a nonlinear Schwarz list
13:30 -- 14:30 | Yasuhiko Yamada (Kobe Univ.) | From symmetry to Painlevé type equations
14:45 -- 15:45 | Hidetaka Sakai (Univ. of Tokyo) | Lax form of q-Painlevé equation associated to A_2^{(1)}-surface
16:15 -- | Poster session* (II)
9:30 -- 10:30 | David Sauzin (Institut de
Mécanique Céleste) | Resurgence of parabolic curves in \mathbb{C}^2
10:45 -- 11:45 | Yoshitsugu Takei (RIMS, Kyoto Univ.) | Toward the exact WKB analysis for instanton-type solutions of Painlevé hierarchies
午前 |
15日(月) |
B. Malgrange |
F. Loray |
Y. André |
Y. Ohyama |
S. Shimomura
16日(火) |
K. Kajiwara |
D. Guzzetti |
R. Schäfke |
N. Honda |
T. Koike
17日(水) |
R. Conte |
K. Iwasaki |
(Free afternoon & Reception** in the evening)
18日(木) |
T. Morimoto |
M. Brunella |
J. Sauloy |
T. Tsuda |
(Poster session*)
19日(金) |
T. Masuda |
P. Boalch |
Y. Yamada |
H. Sakai |
(Poster session*)
20日(土) |
D. Sauzin |
Y. Takei
K. Kaneko
(Osaka) : Sixth Painleve transcendents which are meromorphic around
a fixed singularity |
S. Okumura
(Osaka) : Symmetric solutions of the Painlevé equations and mod three
E. Paul
(Toulouse) : Galoisian integrability of a germ of quasi-homogeneous foliation
Y. Sasaki
(Kyushu) : Value distribution of the Painlevé transcendents in sectorial
domains |
T. Suzuki
(Kobe) : The sixth Painlev\'{e} equation arising from D_4^(1) hierarchy
M. Yoshino
(Hiroshima) : PDE with resonances and small denominators
| (**) 17日(水)の Reception は, 京都大学時計台記念館(2階、 国際交流ホール III)において 18:30 より行います(会費:約5,000円). 参加を希望される方は,小池達也(京大理, (koike@math.kyoto-u.ac.jp)) まで e-mail にてお申し込み下さい.
参加者一覧 | | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences |
Last modified: May 23, 2006 |