
1 Introduction

Advanced LIGO (aLIGO) [61, 9] and Advanced Virgo (AdV) [24, 23*, 25] are kilometer-scale gravitational-wave (GW) detectors that are expected to yield direct observations of GWs. In this article we describe the currently projected schedule, sensitivity, and sky-localization accuracy for the GW-detector network. We discuss the proposed sequence of observing runs (designated O1, O2, O3, etc.) and the prospects for multi-messenger astronomy.

The purpose of this article is to provide information to the astronomy community to assist in the formulation of plans for the upcoming era of GW observations. In particular, we intend this article to provide the information required for assessing the features of programs for joint observation of GW events using electromagnetic, neutrino, or other facilities.

The full science of aLIGO and AdV is broad [8*], and is not covered in this article. We concentrate solely on candidate GW transient signals. We place particular emphasis on the coalescence of binary neutron-star (BNS) systems, which are the GW source for which electromagnetic follow-up seems most promising. For more general introductory articles on GW generation, detection and astrophysics, we point readers to [33, 87, 94].

Although our collaborations have amassed a great deal of experience with GW detectors and analysis, it is still difficult to make predictions for both improvements in search methods and for the rate of progress for detectors which are not yet fully installed or operational. The scenarios of LIGO and Virgo detector sensitivity evolution and observing times given here represent our best estimates as of January 2016. They should not be considered as fixed or firm commitments.

As the detectors’ construction and commissioning progress, we intend to release updated versions of this article. This is the second version of the article, written to coincide with the first observing run (O1) of the advanced-detector era. Changes with respect to the first version [4*] are given in Appendix A. Progress has been made in the commissioning of the detectors, and the plausible observing scenarios are largely the same; the predicted sky-localization accuracies have been updated following improvements in parameter estimation.

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