RIMS Kôkyûroku
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology
RIMS Œ€‹†W‰ο•ρW
Tomotada Ohtsuki
1. On the most expected number of components for random links (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)-----------------------------1
@@@@“ϊ–{‘εŠw•Ά—Šw•””Šw‰Θ / “ϊ–{‘εŠw•Ά—Šw•””Šw‰Θ / “ϊ–{‘εŠw•Ά—Šw•””Šw‰Θ@@@ŽsŒ΄ ˆκ—T / X ^ / ‹g“c Œ’ˆκ@(Ichihara,Kazuhiro / Mori,Makoto / Yoshida,Ken-ichi)
2. Addendum to "Fibered knots with the same 0-surgery and the slice-ribbon conjecture" (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)---18
@@@@‘εγŽs—§‘εŠw”ŠwŒ€‹†Š / “Œ‹žH‹Ζ‘εŠw‘εŠw‰@ξ•ρ—HŠwŒ€‹†‰Θ”—EŒvŽZ‰ΘŠwκU@@@ˆΐ•” “NΖ / “c_ ŒcŽm@(Abe,Tetsuya / Tagami,Keiji)
3. Removing local extrema of surfaces in open book decompositions (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)------------------------37
@@@@Department of Mathematics, University of Iowa@@@μŽΊ Œ\Žq@(Kawamuro,Keiko)
4. The Goeritz groups of Heegaard splittings for 3-manifolds (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)-----------------------------46
@@@@Department of Mathematics Education, Hanyang University / L“‡‘εŠw—ŠwŒ€‹†‰Θ@@@Cho Sangbum / ŒΓ‰F“c —IΖ@(Cho,Sangbum / Koda,Yuya)
5. On the stable complexity and the stable presentation length for 3-manifolds (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)-----------59
@@@@“Œ‹ž‘εŠw‘εŠw‰@”—‰ΘŠwŒ€‹†‰Θ@@@‹g“c Œšˆκ@(Yoshida,Ken'ichi)
6. The Diamond Lemma and prime decompositions (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)--------------------------------------------69
@@@@Chelyabinsk State University and Russian Academy of Sciences@@@Matveev,Sergei
7. Extending the Hurwitz action to shelves that are not racks (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)----------------------------73
@@@@Laboratoire de Mathematiques Nicolas Oresme, Universite de Caen@@@Dehornoy,Patrick
8. On the asymtotic expansion of the Kashaev invariant and the twisted Reidemeister torsion of two-bridge knots (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)---86
@@@@‹γB‘εŠw”—ŠwŒ€‹†‰@@@@‚“c •qŒb@(Takata,Toshie)
9. Ordering of groups as a tool to understand random 3-manifolds and knots (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)---------------93
@@@@‹ž“s‘εŠw”—‰πΝŒ€‹†Š@@@ˆΙ“‘ “N–η@(Ito,Tetsuya)
10. Strong and weak $(1,3)$ homotopies on spherical curves and related topics (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)-----------101
@@@@‘ˆξ“c‘εŠw‚“™Œ€‹†Š / ŠwK‰@’†“™‰Θ / ‘ˆξ“c‘εŠw‹³ˆηŠw•” @@@ˆΙ“‘ Έ / ‘λ‘Ί —S‰ξ / ’JŽR Œφ‹K@(Ito,Noboru / Takimura,Yusuke / Taniyama,Kouki)
11. A survey : From a surgical view of Alexander invariants (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)-----------------------------107
@@@@_ŒΛ‘εŠw‘εŠw‰@—ŠwŒ€‹†‰Θ@@@’†Ό N„@(Nakanishi,Yasutaka)
12. Problems on Low-dimensional Topology, 2015 (Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology)------------------------------------------112
@@@@‹ž“s‘εŠw”—‰πΝŒ€‹†Š@@@‘ε’Ξ ’m’‰@(Ohtsuki,Tomotada)