短期共同 計算量理論とその応用
町田 元
Hajime Machida
目 次
1. A P-Complete Language Describable with Iterated Shuffle---------------------------------------------------------------------------1
    Department of Control Engineering and Science, Kyushu Institute of Technology   Shoudai, Takayoshi
2. Some Problems in Formal Language Theory Known as Decidable are Proved EXPTIME Complete--------------------------------------------8
    Department of Computer Science, University of Electro-Communications / Information Science Laboratory, Tokai University   Kasai, Takumi / Iwata, Shigeki
3. On Tree Automata and Partitioning Automata---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22
    東京女子大学文理学部   守屋 悦朗 (MORIYA, Etsuro)
4. Computational Power of a Memory-Based Paralled Computation Model with Communication----------------------------------------------31
    Department of Information Science, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University / Department of Information Science, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University   武永 康彦 / 矢島 脩三 (Takenaga, Yasuhiko / Yajima, Shuzo)
5. Parallel Algorithms for the Maximal Tree Cover Problems--------------------------------------------------------------------------43
    Department of Computer Science and Information Mathematics, University of Electro-Communications   CHEN, Zhi-Zhong
6. 確率的分散アルゴリズムにおける初期条件の階層について(計算量理論とその応用)-------------------------------------------------------54
    東京工業大学理学部情報科学科   坂本 直志 (Sakamoto, Naoshi)
7. 種々のAND-EXOR論理式の複雑度について(計算量理論とその応用)-----------------------------------------------------------------------67
    九州工業大学情報工学部電子情報工学科   笹尾 勤 (SASAO, Tsutomu)
8. The Problem of Normal Form for Unlabeled Boundary NLC Graph Languages------------------------------------------------------------84
    NEC Corporation / Tokyo Denki University   Yamazaki, Koichi / Yaku, Takeo
9. 木構造図式の描画問題(計算量理論とその応用)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------93
    大原簿記学校 / 関東学園大学経済学部 / 東海大学   海野 浩 / 安斎 公士 / 中西 美智子[他]