
- 2024-


39 JST数学キャラバン「拡がりゆく数学 at 中部大学」, 中部大学, 202411

Non-reciprocity in micro-machine hydrodynamics

35th 2024 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatoronics and Human Science, Nagoya University, 202411

Bio-inspired fluids: A mathematical perspective

The 1st MMS Workshop for Young Researchers,  Kyoto University, 202411


日本科学協会サイエンスセミナー(オンライン) 202411

Non-reciprocity in active filaments at low Reynolds number

Bio- and bio-inspired locomotion of elongated bodies across scales and fields, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, 202410


日本応用数理学会2024年度年会, 京都大学吉田キャンパス、 20249


64回生物物理若手の会夏の学校, 定山渓万世閣ホテルミリオーネ, 20248

”Non-reciprocity in microswimming”

Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Physics 2024, YITP, Kyoto University, 20247


数理・情報と諸科学のための研究会(創発第3回融合の場), 京都大学,20247

Hydrodynamic shape theory for active particles in fluid flow”

Advanced core-to-core network for the physics of self-organizing active matter, Wenzhou Institute, China, 20241

- 2023-


現象と数理モデル2023, 石川県羽咋市,202312

”Symmetry and motion of particles and swimmers in fluid flows”

Vortex Dynamics: the Crossroads of Mathematics, Physics and Applications, Hangzhou, China (hybrid), 202312


信州大学数理科学談話会, 信州大学理学部, 202311


ジオラマ若手勉強会, 筑波大学下田臨海実験センター, 202310


2023年度日本数学会秋季総合分科会, 20239

”Odd elastohydrodynamics of active filaments in a viscous fluid”

Kickoff Meeting of Core-to-Core Active Matter Program, 20239

Microswimming by odd elasticity”

OKO International Symposium 2023: Mathematical Biology from Genes to Cells to Humans, Kyoto University, 20238





Hydrodynamic shape theory and multiscale analysis in microswimmers”

Half-day Workshop on Living Matter Modelling and Dynamics, RIMS, Kyoto University, 20233


生物とソフトマターに関する理論とシミュレーションについての研究会,神戸市, 20232

- 2022-


現象と数理モデル2022,尾道市, 202212

Problems in microswimmer hydrodynamics”

RIMS Workshop on Mathematical Analysis of Viscous Incompressible Fluid, 202212

Swimming in flows: Beyond Jeffery's orbits”

Dynamics Days Asia Pacific (DDAP12), IBS Science & Culture Center, Daejeon, Korea, 202211

”Microswimming with odd elasticity”

25th Anniversary Symposium of German-Japanese Joint Research Project on Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics: Perspectives for Future Collaboration, 京都大学基礎物理学研究所, 202210


10回、第11回藤原洋数理科学賞受賞式ピアノコンサート, 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス, 202210


令和4年度 43回数学入門公開講座, 京都大学数理解析研究所(オンライン同時開催), 20228

Self-organised microswimming of active soft matter”

9th World Congress of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, オンライン参加,  20227

Collective dynamics of microswimmers: multi-scale modelling via regularised representation”

JSPS/SAC Seminar: On Gas Kinetic/Dynamics and Life Science, オンライン開催,  20223


物理エソロジーの歩み談話会、北海道大学電子科学研究所,  20223


数学と諸分野の連携に向けた若手数学者交流会2022, オンライン開催,  20223


流れと澱みを語る会2022, オンライン開催,  20221

On flow and form at low Reynolds number”

ithems Biology Seminar, オンライン開催,  20221

- 2021-


2021年度現象数理三村賞記念講演会, オンライン開催,  202112

Cell swimming under a mathematical microscope”

Developmental Biology/Cell Biology/Systems Biology Seminar, Kyoto University, オンライン開催,  202112

Emergence of motility pattern in elastohydrodynamic cell swimming

RIMS International Conference: Modeling and Mathematical Analysis of Dynamics of Pattern, オンライン開催,  202110

On Flows and Form of Microswimmers

MSJ-KMS Joint Meeting, オンライン開催,  20219

Geometrical aspects of biological locomotion at low Reynolds number”

Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society (AFMS) Research Seminar Series,  20218


One-day Workshop on Applied and Computational Complex Analysis (ACCA2021)、オンライン開催、20216


システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会、オンライン開催、  20215

Shape of microorganisms in fluid flows”

Melbourne Mathematical Biology Seminar, University of Melbourne (Online), 20213

”Hydrodynamic shape of microorganisms: Generalised Jeffery orbits

BioActive Fluids Seminar, UK Fluids Network (Online), 20213

Flexibility breaks the symmetry of the microswimmer hydrodynamics”

TUAT Fluid Dynamics Seminar, 東京農工大学 (Online), 20211

Sperm cell as a smart active particle”

Group Seminar, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Institute of Natural Sciences, 上海交通大学 (Online), 20211

- 2020-

微生物流体力学:基礎理論からの展開 (講演スライド資料)






”Microswimmer hydrodynamics: theory and applications" 



Kyoto University Applied Mathematics Seminar (KUAMS)、オンラインセミナー20204

“Dancing bacteria: mathematics and mechanics of cell swimming”

WCMB Group Meeting, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 20202

“Microswimming stability via fluid-structure interactions"

Fluid-structure interactions: From engineering to biomimetic systems、沖縄科学技術大学院大学、 20201

- 2019-


現象と数理モデル2019 、横手市、 201912


メカノバイオロジー研究を学ぶ2019、京都大学、 201911


数学・数理科学4研究拠点合同市民講演会「数学・数理科学の広がり -- Math Everywhere--」、明治大学、 201911 (website)


京都大学数学談話会、京都大学、 201911

“Elastohydrodynamic stability problems in bacterial swimming"

RIMS Workshop "Mathematical Methods in Biofluid Mechanics, 淡路市, 201910

“A data-driven multi-scale modelling for collective dynamics of human sperm"

Emerging behaviour in active matter: computational challenges, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom, 20196


27回数学カフェ, 東京大学駒場キャンパス, 20196 (講演ノート)


進化生態こまば教室, 東京大学駒場キャンパス, 20194

“Mathematical methods of fluid mechanics at the scale of the cell"

Interdisciplinary Workshop Mathematics and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 東京大学数理科学研究科, 20193


反応拡散系と実験の融合2, 金沢市, 20192

- 2018-


MACSセミナー(SG8), 京都大学, 201812


現象と数理モデル2018, 岡山市, 201812

“Microbial rheotaxis near a wall"

Bio Lunch Seminar, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 20186


大阪大学基礎工学研究科機能創生専攻セミナー, 20185



“Coarse-grained modelling of human sperm: towards the collective dynamics”


- 2017 -



“Hydrodynamics of sperm rheotaxis and guidance of microswimmers”

Applied Mathematics Colloquium, University of Sheffield,  United Kingdom, 201712

“Hydrodynamics in the journey of sperm: A mathematical approach”

Fluid Dynamics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, 201710

“Mathematical microbiological fluid dynamics”

WCMB Group Meeting, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 201710

“Microswimming near a wall and in a shear”

Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of York, United Kingdom, 20176

- 2016 -







“Sperm swimming under a mathematical microscope"

Workshop on Micro-Organisms in Stokes Flow、岡山大学、岡山市、20168

“Human sperm under a mathematical microscope"

International Conference: Patterns and Waves 2016 北海道大学、 札幌、20168



“A numerical study of sperm adhesion hydrodynamics"


“Exploring the world of microswimmers: a theoretical approach"

iTHES Colloquium 理化学研究所、和光、 20164






Perspectives in Mathematical Sciences、岡山大学、岡山市、20161

- 2015 -

“Hydrodynamic aspects of sperm guidance"

The 3rd International Workshop on Advances in Computational Mechanics, Tokyo, 201510

“A numerical study of hydrodynamic sperm rheotaxis"

Computational Fluid Dynamics in Medicine and Biology II, Albufeira, Portugal, 20159



- 2014 -



“Hydrodynamic stability of swimming cells near a boundary"



RIMS共同研究 生物流体力学における計測問題、京都大学、201411



“Cell-wall hydrodynamic interaction at low Reynolds number"

7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, USA, 20147

“Hydrodynamics of cell swimming near boundaries"

京都大学応用数学セミナー(KUAMS), 京都大学、20146





- 2013 -

“The swimmer-boundary fluid interaction at low Reynolds number”

IMA Special Workshop, Joint US-Japan Conference for Young Researchers on Interactions among Localized Patterns in Dissipative Systems, Institute for Mathematics and its Application, Minneapolis, USA, 20136

“Fluid dynamical cell-wall interaction of swimming microbes”

Transport Phenomena Lab. Seminar, 京都大学, 京都、20134

- 2012 -



“Motion of an unsteady squirmer"

Bio-Lunch Seminar, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 20126

・ 「微生物の運動と変形の対称性について」


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