RIMS Kôkyûroku
Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics
RIMS Œ¤‹†W‰ï•ñW
Takeshi Tokuyama
1. Lines pinning lines (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)-------------------------------------------------------------1
@@@@Department of Computer and Information Science, Polytechnic University / Dept. of Computer Science, KAIST / INRIA Lorraine@@@Aronov,Boris / Cheong,Otfried / Goaoc,Xavier
2. Analyzing automorphism groups of oriented matroids by semidefinite programming (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)---8
@@@@“Œ‹ž‘åŠwî•ñ—HŠwŒnŒ¤‹†‰È / “Œ‹ž‘åŠwƒiƒm—ÊŽqî•ñƒGƒŒƒNƒgƒƒjƒNƒXŒ¤‹†‹@\ / “Œ‹ž‘åŠwî•ñ—HŠwŒnŒ¤‹†‰È@@@‹{“c —ms / XŽR ‰€Žq / ¡ˆä _@(Miyata,Hiroyuki / Moriyama,Sonoko / Imai,Hiroshi)
3. Computational Analysis of Orientations of Matroids (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)-----------------------------16
@@@@“Œ‹ž‘åŠwî•ñ—HŠwŒnŒ¤‹†‰È / “Œ‹ž‘åŠwƒiƒm—ÊŽqî•ñƒGƒŒƒNƒgƒƒjƒNƒXŒ¤‹†‹@\ / “Œ‹ž‘åŠwî•ñ—HŠwŒ¤‹†‰È / Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick@@@¼–{ ‹Xä / XŽR ‰€Žq / ¡ˆä _ / Bremner David@(Matsumoto,Yoshitake / Moriyama,Sonoko / Imai,Hiroshi / Bremner,David)
4. Lattice- Valued Fuzzy Convex Geometry (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)------------------------------------------22
@@@@‹ž“s‘åŠw•¶Šw•”@@@ŠÛŽR ‘PG@(Maruyama,Yoshihiro)
5. Constant-Working-Space Algorithms (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)----------------------------------------------38
@@@@–k—¤æ’[‰ÈŠw‹Zp‘åŠw‰@‘åŠw@@@ó–ì “N•v@(Asano,Tetsuo)
6. Algorithms for Geometric Problems in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)-----45
@@@@Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame / Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame@@@Chen,Danny Z. / Wang,Chao
7. Convex bodies passing through holes (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)--------------------------------------------68
@@@@—®‹…‘åŠw‹³ˆçŠw•” / —®‹…‘åŠw‹³ˆçŠw•”@@@‘OŒ´ è‰ / “¿d “T‰p@(Maehara,Hiroshi / Tokushige,Norihide)
8. On the Three-Dimensional Orthogonal Drawing of Outerplanar Graphs : Extended Abstract (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)---74
@@@@“Œ‹žH‹Æ‘åŠw—HŠwŒ¤‹†‰È / “Œ‹žH‹Æ‘åŠw—HŠwŒ¤‹†‰È / “Œ‹žH‹Æ‘åŠw—HŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@“c“’ ’q / ‘哇 ‘ñ–ç / ã–ì Cˆê@(Tayu,Satoshi / Oshima,Takuya / Ueno,Shuichi)
9. Computing a Sequence of Circumscribing Polygons for Convex Polygon (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)-------------90
@@@@“ŒŠC‘åŠw—Šw•” / “d‹C’ÊM‘åŠwî•ñƒVƒXƒeƒ€ŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@‘å¼ Œš•ã / ¯ Žç@(Onishi,Kensuke / Hoshi,Mamoru)
10. Unsolved Problems in Robustness of Geometric Algorithms (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)-----------------------99
@@@@“Œ‹ž‘åŠwî•ñ—HŠwŒnŒ¤‹†‰È@@@™Œ´ Œú‹g@(Sugihara,Kokichi)
11. On $k$-vertex guarding simple polygons (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)---------------------------------------106
@@@@Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas@@@Bereg,Sergey
12. “K‰ž“IŒvŽZŠô‰½ (ŒvŽZŠô‰½Šw‚Æ—£ŽU”Šw)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------114
@@@@‰Y€H‰È‘åŠwZ / “Œ‹žH‹Æ‘åŠwî•ñ—HŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@ˆÀ à†b / ‰ª–{ ‹g‰›@(Ahn,Hee-Kap / Okamoto,Yoshio)
13. Advances in Surface Meshing (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)--------------------------------------------------125
@@@@Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST@@@Cheng,Siu-Wing
14. Geometric Problems on Ad-Hoc Network Design (Computational Geometry and Discrete Mathematics)----------------------------------135
@@@@“Œ–k‘åŠwî•ñ‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@“¿ŽR ‹@(Tokuyama,Takeshi)