RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu , Vol. B11  
1. Finding Rigged Configurations From Paths (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)--------------------------------------1
    Department of physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo   SAKAMOTO, REIHO
2. A $q$-analogue of Catalan Hankel determinants (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)--------------------------------19
    Faculty of Education, Tottori University / Faculty of Education, Wakayama University / Institut Camille Jordan, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I   ISHIKAWA, Masao / TAGAWA, Hiroyuki / ZENG, Jiang
3. Tensor Representations for the Quantum Loop Algebras of Type $A$ at Roots of Unity (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)---43
    Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University   ABE, Yuuki
4. The Elliptic Quantum Group $U_{q,p}(\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_2)$------------------------------------------------------------------53
    Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University   KONNO, Hitoshi
5. Thom polynomials and around (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)--------------------------------------------------75
    Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University   Ohmoto, Toru
6. Double Schubert polynomials of classical type and Excited Young diagrams (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)-----87
    Okayama University of Science / Okayama University   IKEDA, Takeshi / NARUSE, Hiroshi
7. Universal Tropical R map of $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ and Prehomogeneous Geometric Crystals (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)---101
    Department of Mathematics, Sophia University   NAKASHIMA, Toshiki
8. On the structure of parabolic Humphreys-Verma modules (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)-----------------------117
    Osaka City University, Department of Mathematics   KANEDA, Masaharu
9. A product formula for decomposition numbers of the cyclotomic $q$-Schur algebra and its analogue for the Fock space (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)---125
    Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University   Wada, Kentaro
10. Catalan numbers and level 2 weight structures of $A^{(1)}_{p-1}$ (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)-----------145
    RIMS, Kyoto University   Tsuchioka, Shunsuke
11. Uno's conjecture for the exceptional Iwahori-Hecke algebras (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)----------------155
    Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University   MIYACHI, Hyohe
12. Infinite Pre-dominant Integral Weights for Affine Types (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)--------------------179
    Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University   NAKADA, KENTO
13. Iwahori-Hecke type algebras associated with the Lie superalgebras $A(m, n), B(m, n), C(n)$ and $D(m, n)$ (New Trends in Combinatorial Representation Theory)---197
    Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University   YAMANE, HIROYUKI