Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields
齋藤 裕, 高橋 哲也
Hiroshi Saito, Tetsuya Takahashi
目 次
1. Shimura correspondence for Maass wave forms and Selberg zeta functions (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---1
    立教大学理学部   荒川 恒男 (Arakawa, Tsuneo)
2. Skew holomorphic Jacobi forms of general degree (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)----15
    大阪大学理学研究科   林田 秀一 (Hayashida, Shuichi)
3. Certain series attached to an even number of elliptic modular forms (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---25
    東京工業大学理工学研究科   水本 信一郎 (Mizumoto, Shin-ichiro)
4. PRINCIPAL SERIES WHITTAKER FUNCTIONS ON SYMPLECTIC GROUPS (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---30
    東京大学数理科学研究科   石井 卓 (Ishii, Taku)
5. THETA CORRESPONDENCE AND REPRESENTATION THEORY (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)-----41
    京都大学総合人間学部   西山 享 (Nishiyama, Kyo)
6. Principal series Whittaker functions on $SL$(3, $\mathbf{R}$) (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---53
    東京大学数理科学研究科/東京大学数理科学研究科/東京大学数理科学研究科   眞鍋 廣幸/石井 卓/織田 孝幸 (Manabe, Hiroyuki/Ishii, Taku/Oda, Takayuki)
7. Fractional Weights and non-congruence subgroups (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)----71
    Univ. College London   Hill, Richard
8. Standard $L$-functions attached to vector valued Siegel modular forms (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---81
    東京工業大学理工学研究科   小島 教知 (Kozima, Noritomo)
9. Spherical functions on certain spherical homogeneous spaces over p-adic fields (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---91
    早稲田大学教育学部   広中 由美子 (Hironaka, Yumiko)
10. New vectors for GSp(4) : a conjecture and some evidence (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---107
    University of Idaho/Universitat des Saarlandes   Robert, Brooks/Schmidt, Ralf
11. Supercuspidal Representations Attached to Symmetric Spaces (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---122
    American University   Hakim, Jeffrey
12. ON FUNCTORIALITY OF ZELEVINSKI INVOLUTIONS (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)-------130
    京都大学理学研究科   平賀 郁 (Hiraga, Kaoru)
13. CAP automorphic representations of low rank groups (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---136
    九州大学数理学研究院   今野 拓也 (Konno, Takuya)
14. Parabolic induction and parahoric induction (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)------147
    Univ. Strasbourg   Dat, Jean Francois
15. On Siegel modular forms of degree 2 with square-free level (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---155
    Universitat des Saarlandes   Schmidt, Ralf
16. Global base change identity and Drinfeld's shtukas (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---170
    CNRS, Universite Paris-Nord, Departement de mathematiques   Ngo, Bao Chau
17. RESTRICTION OF HERMITIAN MAASS LIFTS AND THE GROSS-PRASAD CONJECTURE : JOINT WITH T. IKEDA (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---179
    大阪市立大学理学研究科   市野 篤史 (Icino, Atsushi)
18. MULTIPLICITIES OF CUSP FORMS (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)---------------------186
    Princeton Univ.   Gan, Wee Teck
19. ON THE LIFTING OF HERMITIAN MODULAR FORMS (Automorphic forms and representations of algebraic groups over local fields)--------196
    京都大学理学研究科   池田 保 (Ikeda, Tamotsu)