Recent Developments on Classification Problems in Operator Algebras
大坂 博幸
Hiroyuki Osaka 
目 次
1. Construction of $C^*$-algebras (Recent Developments on Classification Problems in Operator Algebras)------------------------------1
    北海道大学理学研究科   勝良 健史 (Katsura, Takeshi)
2. The Elliott Program of Classification of Finite Simple Amenable $C*$-Algebras (Recent Developments on Classification Problems in Operator Algebras)---12
    Department of Mathematics, University of Oregon   Lin, Huaxin
3. フォンノイマン環の最近の発展についての紹介 (作用素環論における最近の分類問題について)--------------------------------------------31
    九州大学数理学研究院   植田 好道 (Ueda, Yoshimichi)
4. CLASSIFICATION AND $\mathcal{Z}$-STABILITY (Recent Developments on Classification Problems in Operator Algebras)-----------------39
    Department of Mathematics, Penn State University   Brown, Nathanial P.
5. Noncommutative boundaries of q-deformations (Recent Developments on Classification Problems in Operator Algebras)----------------44
    Mathematics Institute, University of Oslo   Neshveyev, Sergey
6. 単射的${\rm III_1}$型因子環の一意性に関する覚書 (作用素環論における最近の分類問題について)---------------------------------------53
    九州大学数理学研究院   増田 俊彦 (Masuda, Toshihiko)