RIMS Kôkyûroku
Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics
RIMS 共同研究(公開型)
冨樫 瑠美
Rumi Togashi
目 次
1. Algebraic structures on $\mathbb{R}^{+}$ for means (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)------------1
    茨城大学工学部   阿部 敏一 (Abe,Toshikazu )
2. SURJECTIVE ISOMETRIES ON A BANACH SPACE OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS ON THE OPEN UNIT DISC (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)---7
    日本大学薬学部   丹羽 典朗 (NIWA,NORIO)
3. Preserver problems and isometries of operator algebras (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)-------11
    東京大学大学院数理科学研究科   森 迪也 (Mori,Michiya )
4. 2-local isometies on spaces of continuous functions (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)----------28
    新潟大学   羽鳥 理 (Hatori,Osamu )
5. Dirac masses and isometric rigidity (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)--------------------------34
    Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Reading / Alfred Renyl Institute of Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences / Institute of Science and Technology Austria   Geher,Gyorgy Pal / Titkos,Tamas / Virosztek,Daniel
6. 2-local isometries and the reflexivity property of certain spaces of continuous maps (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)---42
    新潟大学   目黒 裕子 (Meguro,Hiroko)
7. On Spaces of Lipschitz Maps with Values in a Uniform Algebra (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)---52
    新潟大学   田邊 京平 (Tanabe,Kyohei )
8. On the 2-local property for operators on the space of some functions (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)---61
    新潟大学   内山 拓海 (Uchiyama,Takumi )
9. Multiplicative linear functional on the Zygmund $F$-algebra (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)---68
    東海大学理学部   植木 誠一郎 (Ueki,Sei-lchiro )
10. Some problems for semiclosed subspaces (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)----------------------72
    茨城大学工学部   平澤 剛 (Hirasawa,Go )
11. BSE-拡大のあるIDEAL について (保存問題としての等距離写像の研究とその周辺)-------------------------------------------------------82
    山形大学数学・ゲーム工房   高橋 眞映 (TAKAHASI,SIN-EI)
12. Constructing order relations on semigroups (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)------------------86
    Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University・ Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education・ Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology / Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University・ Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education・ Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology   Guterman,Alexander / Shteyner,Pavel
13. 2-local isometries on spaces of differentiable functions (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)---111
    米子工業高等専門学校   古清水 大直 (Koshimizu,Hironao )
14. On mappings between Mobius gyrovector spaces corresponding to Hilbert space operators (Researches on isometries as preserver problems and related topics)---117
    新潟大学   渡邉 恵一 (Watanabe,Keiichi )