Topology and Transformation Groups
松本 堯生
目 次
1. On Lie algebras of vector fields on smooth orbifolds(Topology and Transformation Groups)------------------------------------------1
    信州大学教養学部   阿部 考順 (Abe, Kojun)
2. Equivariant stable s-cobordism theorem(Topology and Transformation Groups)-------------------------------------------------------12
    大阪市立大学理学部 / 大阪大学理学部   荒木 捷朗 / 川久保 勝夫 (Araki, Shoro / Kawakubo, Katsuo)
3. Symmetries of complex projective spaces(Topology and Transformation Groups)------------------------------------------------------19
       Dovermann, Karl Heinz
4. TransferとSteenrod作用素の非可換性(Topology and Transformation Groups)-----------------------------------------------------------29
    京都大学理学部   亀子 正喜 (Kameko, Masaki)
5. Proper subanalytic transformation groups and unique triangulation of the orbit spaces(Topology and Transformation Groups)--------39
    広島大学理学部 / 名古屋大学教養部   松本 堯生 / 塩田 昌弘 (Matumoto, Takao / Shiota, Masahiro)
6. Transfer theorem for SG at odd prime(Topology and Transformation Groups)---------------------------------------------------------59
    広島大学理学部   南 範彦 (Minami, Norihiko)
7. The witt groups of orthogonal representation(Topology and Transformation Groups)-------------------------------------------------73
    Department of Mathematics, Ehime University   Miyamoto, Masahiko
8. Family of Jacobian Manifolds and Characteristic Classes of Surfaces Bundles II(Topology and Transformation Groups)---------------82
    Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo   MORITA, Shigeyuki
9. ホモトピー表現群とSwan部分群(Topology and Transformation Groups)-----------------------------------------------------------------88
    大阪大学大学院理学研究科   長崎 生光 (Nagasaki, Ikumitsu)
10. THE WHITEHEAD TRANSFER HOMOMORPHISM FOR ORIENTED S$^1$-BUNDLES(Topology and Transformation Groups)------------------------------97
    Aarhus Univ.   Oliver, Robert
11. Controlled L-theory(Topology and Transformation Groups)------------------------------------------------------------------------101
    城西大学理学部   山崎 正之 (Yamasaki, Masayuki)
12. On the Unit Groups of Burnside Rings(Topology and Transformation Groups)-------------------------------------------------------104
    Hokkaido Univ.   Yoshida, Tomoyuki