RIMS Kôkyûroku
Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis
RIMS Œ¤‹†W‰ï•ñW
Yasunori Okada
1. Boundary value representations for bounded hyperfunctions and some variants (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---1
@@@@ç—t‘åŠw—ŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@‰ª“c –õ‘¥@(OKADA,Yasunori)
2. Inverse scattering and the long-time asymptotics for the defocusing integrable discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---11
@@@@ŠÖ¼Šw‰@‘åŠw—HŠw•”@@@ŽRª ‰pŽi@(YAMANE,Hideshi)
3. Borel sums of Voros coefficients of hypergeometric differential equations with a large parameter (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---17
@@@@‹ß‹E‘åŠw—HŠw•” / ‹ß‹E‘åŠw‘‡—HŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@Â–Ø ‹MŽj / ”½“c ”ü@(AOKI,Takashi / TANDA,Mika)
4. Connection problem for first integrals of nonintegrable Hamiltonian system (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---25
@@@@L“‡‘åŠw—ŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@‹g–ì ³Žj@(YOSHINO,Masafumi)
5. On the boundary values of continuous functions, respectively hyperfunctions, various settings and some relations between them (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---35
@@@@Department of Mathematics, Bologna University@@@LIESS,Otto
6. Analytic continuation of eigenvalues of Daubechies operator and Fourier ultra-hyperfunctions (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---46
@@@@“Œ‹ž“sŽs‘åŠw’mŽ¯HŠw•”@@@‹g–ì –M¶@(YOSHINO,Kunio)
7. Existence of the solutions of Lewy equation as the tempered ultrahyperfunctions (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---62
@@@@ŽÅ‰YH‹Æ‘åŠw‹³ˆçƒCƒmƒx[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“„iƒZƒ“ƒ^[ / “Œ‹ž“sŽs‘åŠw’mŽ¯HŠw•”@@@‰ª N”V / ‹g–ì –M¶@(OKA,Yasuyuki / YOSHINO,Kunio)
8. On the Structure of Hyperfunctions and Ultradistributions (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)----71
@@@@–h‰q‘åŠwZ@@@‘êŒû FŽu@(TAKIGUCHI,Takashi)
9. Phase space path integrals as analysis on path space (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---------83
@@@@HŠw‰@‘åŠwŠî‘bE‹³—{‹³ˆç•”–å@@@ŒFƒm‹½ ’¼l@(KUMANO-GO,Naoto)
10. A computer-assisted study of the Landau-Nakanishi geometry (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---100
@@@@–kŠC“¹‘åŠw—ŠwŒ¤‹†‰@ / ‹ž“s‘åŠw”—‰ðÍŒ¤‹†Š@@@–{‘½ ®•¶ / ‰Í‡ —²—T@(HONDA,Naofumi / KAWAI,Takahiro)
11. Multi-point connection problem (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)-----------------------------111
@@@@ç—t‘åŠwŽ©‘R‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@ˆÀ“¡ ‰Á“Þ@(ANDO,Kana)
12. On the exact WKB analysis of singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations at an irregular singular point (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---124
@@@@‹ž“s‘åŠw”—‰ðÍŒ¤‹†Š@@@_–{ WŒá@(KAMIMOTO,Shingo)
13. A relation between instanton-type solutions of $P_J$(J=I,II,34,IV)-hierarchies with a large parameter (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---132
@@@@–kŠC“¹‘åŠw—Šw‰@@@@”~“c —zŽq@(UMETA,Yoko)
14. Borel summability of WKB theoretic transformation to the Weber equation (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---140
@@@@‹ž“s‘åŠw”—‰ðÍŒ¤‹†Š@@@²X–Ø ^“ñ@(SASAKI,Shinji)
15. Exact WKB analysis and multisummability : A case study (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)-----146
@@@@ / ‹ž“s‘åŠw”—‰ðÍŒ¤‹†Š@@@—é–Ø Ž•F / ’|ˆä ‹`ŽŸ@(SUZUKI,Katsuhiko / TAKEI,Yoshitsugu)
16. Kernel functions and symbols of pseudodifferential operators of infinite order with an apparent parameter (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---156
@@@@‹ß‹E‘åŠw—HŠw•” / –kŠC“¹‘åŠw—ŠwŒ¤‹†‰@ / “ú–{‘åŠw—HŠw•”@@@Â–Ø ‹MŽj / –{‘½ ®•¶ / ŽRè W@(AOKI,Takashi / HONDA,Naofumi / YAMAZAKI,Susumu)
17. Maillet type theorem, convolution equations and multisummability of formal solutions (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---171
@@@@ã’q‘åŠw—HŠw•” / ŽÅ‰YH‹Æ‘åŠwƒfƒUƒCƒ“HŠw‰È@@@“cŒ´ G•q / ŽRàV _Ži@(TAHARA,Hidetoshi / YAMAZAWA,Hiroshi)
18. Algebraic local cohomology classes and Kouchnirenko's formulae (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---183
@@@@’}”g‘åŠw”—•¨Ž¿Œn”Šwˆæ@@@“c“‡ Tˆê@(TAJIMA,Shinichi)
19. A system of fifth-order PDE's describing surfaces containing 2 families of circular arcs and the reduction to a system of fifth-order ODE's (Recent development of microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis)---194
@@@@“Œ‹ž‘åŠw”—‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰@ / “Œ‹žŠwŒ|‘åŠw@@@•Ð‰ª ´b / ’|“à LŽq@(KATAOKA,Kiyoomi / TAKEUCHI,Nobuko)