Spectral and Scattering Theory and Related Topics
黒田 成俊
目 次
1. Lower Bounds of Growth Order of Solutions of Schrodinger Equations with Homogeneous Potentials (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)---1
    Kyoto University of Industrial Arts and Textile Fibers   UCHIYAMA,JUN
2. On Essential Selfadjointness of Dirac Operators (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)------------------------------10
    Fac. of Economics, Ritsumeikan Univ.   ARAI,MASAHARU
3. Asymptotic Expansions for Quantum Mechanical Bound-State Energies Near the Classical Limit (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)---22
    Departement de Mathematiques, Centre Universitaire de Toulon   COMBES,J.M.
4. Distribution of Eigenvalues Near the Boundary of Essential Spectrum (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)----------39
    Department of Math., Nagoya University   TAMURA,HIDEO
5. On the Spectral Properties of Tensor Products of Linear Operators (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)------------46
    Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University   ICHINOSE,TAKASHI
6. Topics in the Spectral Theory of Crystals (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)------------------------------------52
    Department of Mathematics, University of Verginia   THOMAS,LAWRENCE E.
7. Spectral and Scattering Theory for the J-Selfadjoint Operators Associated with the Perturbed Klein-Gordon Equations (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)---62
    College of General Education, University of Tokyo   KATO,TAKASHI
8. Eigenfunction Expansions for Symmetric Systems of First Order in the Half-Space $R^n_+$ (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)---78
    Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Education   WAKABAYASHI,SEIICHIRO
9. Spectral Theory and Eigenfunction Expansions for Uniformly Propagative Systems (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)---88
    Department of Mathematics, University of Tokyo   YAJIMA,KENJI
10. The Limiting Absorption Principle for Dirac Operators (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)----------------------101
    Ritsumeikan Univ.   YAMADA,OSANOBU
11. Spectra of Elliptic Operators in a Domain with Unbounded Boundary (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)----------112
    University of Electro-Communications   TAYOSHI,TAKAO
12. Operator Theoretical Approach for Transport Equations (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)----------------------124
    Institute of Mathemaitcs [Mathematics], Yoshida College, Kyoto University   ASANO,KIYOSHI
13. On the Fundamental Solution of Partial Differential Operators of Schrodinger's Type (SPECTRAL AND SCATTERING THEORY AND RELATED TOPICS)---139
    Dept. Math. Univ. of Tokyo   FUJIWARA,DAISUKE