C INFINITY -Maps and Their Singularities
足立 正久
目 次
1. Normal Forms for Certain Singularities of Smooth Map-Germs(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)-----------------------------1
    都立大学理学部   市川 文男 (ICHIKAWA, Fumio)
2. INEQUALITIES OF ORDERS on LOCAL ANALYTIC ALGEBRAS(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)-------------------------------------28
    近畿大学理工学部数学物理学教室   泉 脩藏 (Izumi, Shuzo)
3. Topology of Complex Webs of Codimension One and Geometry of Projective Space Curves(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)---34
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University   Nakai, Isao
4. C$^0$-sufficiency via blowing-up(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)-----------------------------------------------------112
    Hyogo University of Teacher Education   Koike, Satoshi
5. Criteria & Problem on Truncation of Taylor Expansions(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)--------------------------------123
    Sydney University   Kuo, Tzee-Char
6. On Morin Singularities(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)---------------------------------------------------------------126
       安藤 良文 (Ando, Yoshifumi)
7. TOPOLOGY OF FOLDS, CUSPS AND MORIN SINGULARITIES(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)-------------------------------------131
    Department of Mathematics, Chiba University   福田 拓生 (FUKUDA, Takuo)
8. Topological types of topologically finitely determined map-germs(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)---------------------136
    早稲田大学理工学部   西村 尚史 (NISHIMURA, TAKASHI)
9. FINITE DETERMINACY OF EQUIVARIANT MAP GERMS(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)------------------------------------------172
    University of Southampton   Roberts, Mark
10. On Topology of Real Algebraic Functions(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)---------------------------------------------184
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University   ISHIKAWA, Goo
11. ALMOST P-V-VERSAL DEFORMATIONS(C$^\infty$ - maps and their Singularities)------------------------------------------------------203
    奈良女子大学理学部   泉屋 周一 (Izumiya, Shyuichi)