Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics
鵜飼 正二, 浅野 潔
Seiji Ukai, Kiyoshi Asano
目 次
1. A Bound for the Pressure Integral in a Plasma Equilibrium(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)--------1
    北海道大学理学部 / 東京大学工学部   儀我 美一 / 吉田 善昭 (Giga, Yoshikazu / Yoshida, Zensho)
2. Global Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for the Zakharov Equations(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---11
    北海道大学理学部 / 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科   小澤 徹 / 堤 誉志夫 (OZAWA, TOHRU / TSUTSUMI, YOSHIO)
3. 2次元MHD減衰乱流の数値計算(流体とプラズマの諸現象の数学解析)---------------------------------------------------------------------19
    東京大学理学部   服部 裕司 (Hattori, Y.)
4. On the Discrete Boltzmann Equation with Linear and Nonlinear Terms(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---30
    東京大学数理科学研究科   山崎 満 (YAMAZAKI, MITSURU)
5. ON THE INSTABILITY OF THE UNIFORM ROTATION OF A BODY WITH LIQUID INSIDE(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---43
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University   LYASHENKO, A.A.
6. Far Field condition of Vortex Methods on an Impulsively Translating Two-Dimensional Circular Cylinder with Rotation(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---49
       木田 輝彦 / 永田 俊美 / 中嶋 智也 (Kida, Teruhiko / Nagata, Toshimi / Nakajima, Tomoya)
7. Numerical analysis of a uniform flow of a rarefied gas past a sphere on the basis of the Boltzmann equation for hard-sphere molecules(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---64
    京都大学工学部 / 京都大学工学部 / 京都大学工学部   高田 滋 / 曽根 良夫 / 青木 一生 (Takata, Shigeru / Sone, Yoshio / Aoki, Kazuo)
8. 3次元非有界領域におけるNavier-Stokes方程式の強解について(流体とプラズマの諸現象の数学解析)---------------------------------------94
    九州大学教養学部 / 名古屋大学理学部   小薗 英雄 / 小川 卓克 (Kozono, Hideo / Ogawa, Takayoshi)
9. On Global Weak Solutions of the Nostationary Two-phase Navier-Stokes flow(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---104
    東京電機大学理工学部   高橋 秀徳 (TAKAHSHI, SHUJI)
    北海道情報大学   松井 伸也 (MATSUI, Shin'ya)
11. WELL-POSEDNESS AND SINGULAR LIMITS IN THE THEORY OF COMPRESSIBLE INVISCID FLUIDS(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---116
    Centro-Linceo Interdisciplinare, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei   BEIRAO DA VEIGA, H.
12. Large-time existence of compressible viscous and heat-conductive surface waves(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---138
    Department of Mathematics, Waseda University / Department of Mathematics, Keio University   田中 尚人 / 谷 温之 (Tanaka, Naoto / Tani, Atusi)
13. RECENT PROGRESS OF THE STUDY OF THE EULER-POISSON EQUATION FOR THE EVOLUTION OF GASEOUS STARS(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---151
    大阪産業大学   牧野 哲 (MAKINO, Tetu)
14. Nonstationary motion of a nonsymmetric fluids with thermal convection(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---162
    九州大学工学部   隠居 良行 (Kagei, Yoshiyuki)
15. An alternative approach to existence result of solutions for the Navier-Stokes equation through discrete Morse semifows(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---175
    東北大学教養部   長澤 壯之 (Nagasawa, Takeyuki)
16. Blow-up of solutions of quasilinear degenerate parabolic equations with convection(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---187
    都立大学 / 航空高等専門学校   望月 清 / 鈴木 龍一 (Mochizuki, Kiyoshi / Suzuki, Ryuichi)
17. Trudinger's inequality and related elliptic equations(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---------198
    愛媛大学理学部   鈴木 貴 (SUZUKI, Takashi)
18. On the Hausdorff dimension of the attractor for the heat convection equation(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---212
    日本女子大学   大枝 一男 (OEDA, Kazuo)
19. Kinetic theory analysis of steady evaporating flows from a spherical condensed phase into a vacuum(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---224
    京都大学工学部 / 京都大学工学部   曽根 良夫 / 杉本 宏 (Sone, Yoshio / Sugimoto, Hiroshi)
20. STRUCTURE OF NORMAL SHOCK WAVES(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)-------------------------------255
    京都大学工学部   大和田 拓 (Ohwada, Taku)
21. 高次KaV方程式が近似する長い水面波(流体とプラズマの諸現象の数学解析)------------------------------------------------------------268
    大阪大学理学部   鹿野 忠良 (KANO, Tadayoshi)
22. Neumann Problem of One-Dimensional Nonlinear Thermoelastic Equations(Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics)---283
    筑波大学数学系   柴田 良弘 (Shibata, Yoshihiro)