荒木 不二洋
Huzihiro Araki
目 次
1. Extension algebras of $C^\ast$-algebras via canonical $^\ast$-endomorphisms-------------------------------------------------------1
    大阪教育大学   長田 まりゑ (Choda, Marie)
2. Borel fields of Lie Groups and Algebras------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
    University of New South Wales   Sutherland, Colin E.
3. Construction of a Kac algebra action onthe AFD factor of type $II_1$-------------------------------------------------------------22
    北海道大学理学部   山ノ内 毅彦 (Yamanouchi, Takehiko)
4. Interpolation in Analytic Crossed Products---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32
    Niigata Univ.   Saito, Kichi-Suke
5. ACTIONS OF COUNTABLE DISCRETE GROUPS ON THE FERMIONIC FACTOR---------------------------------------------------------------------47
    東北大学理学部   斎藤 和之 (SAITO, Kazuyuki)
6. 位相力学系の基本集合と付随するC$^\ast$環の性質(作用素環論)-----------------------------------------------------------------------57
    東京都立大学   富山 淳 (Tomiyama, Jun)
7. Dimension Theory of the C$^\ast$-algebras of Lie Groups : Dedicated to Professor Masamichi Takesaki on his sixtieth birthday-----67
    T.M.U.   TAKAI, Hiroshi
8. Distributions associated with $C^\ast$-dynamical systems-------------------------------------------------------------------------74
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University   MATSUMOTO, KENGO
9. Entropy Densities for Gibbs States and Algebraic States : A joint work with D.Petz-----------------------------------------------81
    茨城大学理学部   日合 文雄 (Hiai, Fumio)
10. A GENERALIZED CUNTZ ALGEBRA $\mathcal{O}^M_N$ : Dedicated to Professor Masamichi Takesaki on his sixty-th birthday--------------87
    Division of Mathematical Science, Osaka kyoiku University   片山 良一 (KATAYAMA, YOSHIKAZU)
11. Jones index and KK-theory-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------91
    岡山大学 / 北海道大学   梶原 毅 / 綿谷 安男
12. Quasitraces on Exact $C^\ast$-Algebras are Traces------------------------------------------------------------------------------106
    Odense University   Haagerup, Uffe