Variational Problems and Related Topics
菊池 紀夫
目 次
1. A modulus of uniform continuity with some order in $L^s_{loc}(\Omega ; R^N) (2 \le s \le \infty)$ and a sharp estimate of $Lebesque points$ of the first-derivatives of minimizers of a Quasi-convex functional in the calculus of variations---1
    Department of Mathematics, Facutly of Science and Technology, Keio University   堀畑 和弘 (HORIHATA, KAZUHIRO)
2. Campanato type estimates for solutions of difference-elliptic partial differential equations with constant coefficients----------10
    Department of Mathematics, Facutly of Science and Technology, Keio University / Department of Mathematics, Facutly of Science and Technology, Keio University   KIKUCHI, NORIO / MISAWA, MASASHI
3. Critical Values of the Yamabe Functional-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31
    奈良女子大学   小林 治 (Kobayashi, Osamu)
4. Level sets of the solution to elliptic boundary value problems-------------------------------------------------------------------36
    Tokyo Institute of Technology   坂口 茂 (Sakaguchi, Shigeru)
5. Monge-Ampere方程式の対称全域解について(変分問題とその周辺)-----------------------------------------------------------------------42
    広島大学理学部   草野 尚 (Kusano, Takasi)
6. On a Stable Manifold Theorem for the Harmonic Map Heat Flow----------------------------------------------------------------------48
    名古屋大学理学部   内藤 久資 (NAITO, Hisashi)
7. Estimates for Harmonic Maps and their Applications-------------------------------------------------------------------------------53
    都立大学理学部   高桑 昇一郎 (Takakuwa, Shoichiro)
8. A free boundary problem for the calculus of variations---------------------------------------------------------------------------65
    静岡県立大学   小俣 正朗 (Omata, Seiro)
9. Applications of Lyusternik-Schnirelmann theory to Hamiltonian systems------------------------------------------------------------73
    Meiji Univ.   林 喜代司 (Hayashi, K.)
10. Homoclinic orbits for a singular second order Hamiltonian system----------------------------------------------------------------79
    名古屋大学理学部   田中 和永 (Tanaka, Kazunaga)
11. On H$^1_0$-estimates for radially symmetric solutions of semilinear elliptic equations------------------------------------------91
    Department of Mathematics, Facutly of Science, Hiroshima University   梶木屋 龍治 (Kajikiya, Ryuji)