RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu , Vol. B28
Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University / Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kobe University AWATA,Hidetoshi / YAMADA,Yasuhiko
Centre for Mathematical Science, City University London / INFN-Bologna and Dipartiment di Fisica, Universita di Bologna / Dip. di Fisica Teorica and INFN, Universita di Torino / Dip. di Fisica Teorica and INFN, Universita di Torino CAVAGLIA,ANDREA / FIORAVANTI,DAVIDE / MATTELLIANO,MASSIMO / TATEO,ROBERTO
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo / Chiba University IMAMURA,Takashi / SASAMOTO,Tomohiro
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Suzuka University of Medical Science / Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University INOUE,Rei / NAKANISHI,Tomoki
Section de mathematiques, Universite de Geneve KASHAEV,Rinat
Department of Mathematics, Rikkyo University / Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University / Deprtment of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University KOMORI,Yasushi / MATSUMOTO,Kohji / TSUMURA,Hirofumi
School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Glasgow KORFF,CHRISTIAN
LMPT, Universite Francois Rabelais Tours / Department of Mathematical Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University / Department of Mathematics, Virginia Tech LECOUVEY,Cedric / OKADO,Masato / SHIMOZONO,Mark
Nagoya University NAGAO,Kentaro
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba SATOH,Yuji
Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University YAMAZAKI,Masahito