Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems
伊藤 正美
Masami Ito
目 次
1. Complete Partial Orders and Fixpoints(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)------------------------------------------1
    Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics, Fachhochschule Fulda   Buhler, Hans-Ulrich
2. Synchronization and nondeterminism(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)--------------------------------------------15
    Faculty of Computer Science, A.I. Cuza University   Ciobanu, Gabriel
3. Decidability of the equivalence problem of finitely ambiguous finance automata(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)---23
    Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University / Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University   橋口 攻三郎 / 石黒 賢一 (Hashiguchi, Kosaburo / Ishiguro, Kenichi)
4. Domosiの問題について(半群・形式言語と計算機システム)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------37
    住吉学園高校 / 住吉学園高校   井関 清志 / 山下 幸二 (ISEKI, Kiyoshi / YAMASITA, Kouji)
5. Compositions of nondeterministic automata(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)-------------------------------------44
    Dept. of Informatics, Jozsef Attila University   Imreh, B.
6. Note on representations of generalized inverse $\ast$-semigroups(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)--------------54
    Department of Mathematics, Shimane University / Department of Mathematics, Shimane University   今岡 輝男 / 尾川 孝英 (IMAOKA, Teruo / OGAWA, Takahide)
7. 素体F={0,1}上の直交群の2元生成(半群・形式言語と計算機システム)-------------------------------------------------------------------66
    城西大学理学部   石橋 宏行 (Ishibashi, Hiroyuki)
8. Height Functions and Formal Languages(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)-----------------------------------------71
    京都産業大学理学部   伊藤 正美 (Ito, Masami)
9. Remarks on seminormal oversemigroups(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)------------------------------------------77
    愛知教育大学教育学部 / 茨城大学理学部   金光 三男 / 松田 隆輝 (Kanemitsu, Mitsuo / Matsuda, Ryuki)
10. On Termination of One-Rule String Rewriting Systems(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)--------------------------85
    天理大学教養部 / 京都産業大学理学部 / 東邦大学理学部   辻 佳代子 / 勝良 昌司 / 小林 [ユウ]治 (Tsuji, Kayoko / Katsura, Masashi / Kobayashi, Yuji)
11. Low dimensional Homotopy and homology for monoid presentations(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)---------------88
    東邦大学理学部   小林 [ユウ]治 (Kobayashi, Yuji)
12. On Distribution of Idempotents of Semigroup(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)---------------------------------100
    玉川大学工学部   小林 由紀男 (Kobayashi, Yukio)
13. Congruence relations and filters in some variety(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)----------------------------108
    島根大学総合理工学部   近藤 通朗 (KONDO, Michiro)
14. NOTE ON QUESTIONS OF ANDERSON'S(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)---------------------------------------------118
    Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University   松田 隆輝 (MATSUDA, Ryuki)
15. 環のcross-sectionについて(半群・形式言語と計算機システム)----------------------------------------------------------------------125
    名古屋大学大学院多元数理科学研究科   松岡 学 (Matsuoka, Manabu)
16. Literal shuffle on $\omega$-languages(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)---------------------------------------135
    国士舘大学 / 一ツ橋大学   守谷 哲夫 / 山崎 秀記 (MORIYA, Tetsuo / YAMASAKI, Hideki)
17. ALGEBRA & FORMAL MODELS OF UNDERSTANDING(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)------------------------------------145
    School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Aizu   NEHANIV, CHRYSTOPHER L.
18. Remarks on Maximal $\mathcal{J}$-Trivial Transformation Semigroups on Finite Sets(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)---155
       Saito, Tatsuhiko
19. Presentation of semigroups and embeddings in inverse semigroups(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)-------------159
    Department of Mathematics, Shimane University / Department of Mathematics, Shimane University   庄司 邦孝 / 山岡 雅 (Shoji, Kunitaka / Yamaoka, Masasi)
20. On Computational Power of Jumping Petri Nets(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)--------------------------------165
    Faculty of Informatics, "Al. I. Cuza" University   TIPLEA, Ferucio Laurentiu
21. On Replacement of Petri Nets and Some Applications(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)--------------------------178
    Faculty of Informatics, "Al. I. Cuza" University / Faculty of Science, Kyoto Sangyo University / Faculty of Science, Kyoto Sangyo University   TIPLEA, Ferucio Laurentiu / KATSURA, Masashi / ITO, Masami
22. Second Betti numbers of semigroup rings(Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computer Systems)-------------------------------------191
    佐賀大学教育学部   寺井 直樹 (Terai, Naoki)