Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory
斎藤 政彦
Masahiko Saito
目 次
1. 族のフレアーホモロジー------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
    京都大学理学部数学教室   深谷 賢治 (Fukaya,Kenji)
2. Moduli of sheaves on blown-up surfaces (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---29
    Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University   Nakajima,Hiraku
3. Deformation of Okamoto-Painleve pairs and Painleve equations (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---34
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kobe University   Saito,Msa-Hiko
4. Obstruction to and deformation of Lagrangian intersection Floer cohomology (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---49
    Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University   Ohta,Hiroshi
5. Hodge integrals, tautological classes and Gromov-Witten theory (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---78
    Department of Mathematics, Oklahoma State University   Faber,Carel
6. McKay correspondence and T-duality (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---88
    Department of Mathematics, Tokyo Metropolitan University   Ito,Yukari
7. A zeta function of a smooth manifold and elliptic cohomology (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---101
    Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, Chiba University   Sugiyama,Ken-ichi
8. Brill-Noether problem for sheaves on K3 surfaces (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---109
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kobe University   Yoshioka,Kota
9. Topology of Lagrangian Submanifolds (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---125
10. A rudimentary theory of topological four-dimensional gravity (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---134
    Department of Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University   Morava,Jack
11. Multiple cover formulas for Gromov-Witten invariants and BPS states (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---144
    Tulane   Bryan,Jim
12. Gromov-Witten Invariants and moduli of sheaves (Proceedings of the Workshop "Algebraic Geometry and Integrable Systems related to String Theory")---160
    Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University   Takahashi,Atsushi