Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties
宮崎  誓
Chikashi Miyazaki
目 次
1. GORENSTEIN LIAISON VIA DIVISORS (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)--------------------------------------1
    Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame   Migliore, Juan C.
2. LATTICE IDEALS, THEIR INITIAL IDEALS AND (CO-)GENERIC MONOMIAL IDEALS (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---23
    大阪大学理学研究科   柳川 浩二 (Yanagawa, Kohji)
3. Remarks on High Linear Syzygy (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---------------------------------------40
    School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study   Koh, Jee Heub
4. HIGHER ORDER NORMALITY AND CASTELNUOVO REGULARITY OF SMOOTH THREEFOLDS (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---48
    School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study   Kwak, Sijong
5. An Equivariant Torelli Theorem for K3 Surfaces with Finite Group Action and Its Applications (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---59
    東京大学数理科学研究科   小木曽 啓示 (Oguiso, Keiji)
6. A note on Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---------------------------------64
    名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科   吉田 健一 (Yoshida, Ken-ichi)
7. On nef values of determinants of ample vector bundles (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---------------75
    電気通信大学   大野 真裕 (Ohno, Masahiro)
8. Effective base point freeness on normal surfaces (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)--------------------86
    東京工業大学理工学研究科   川内 毅 (Kawachi, Takeshi)
9. ON COMPLEX MANIFOLDS POLARIZED BY AN AMPLE LINE BUNDLE OF SECTIONAL GENUS $q(X)+2$ (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---93
    鳴門教育大学学校教育学部   福間 慶明 (Fukuma, Yoshiaki)
10. REMARKS ON LINKAGE CLASSES OF COHEN-MACAULAY MODULES (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)--------------103
    京都大学総合人間学部 / 八代工業高等専門学校   吉野 雄二 / 五十川 読 (Yoshino, Yuji / Isogawa, Satoru)
11. On the integral closures of certain ideals generated by regular sequences (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---111
    千葉大学自然科学研究科   西田 康二 (Nishida, Koji)
12. An application of de Jong's theorem to commutative ring theory : Positivity conjecture of Serre and symbolic powers (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---116
    東京都立大学理学部   蔵野 和彦 (Kurano, Kazuhiko)
13. Problems on Geometric Structures of Projective Embeddings (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---------125
    姫路工業大学理学部   遊佐 毅 (Usa, Takeshi)
14. Basic sequences of torsion free graded modules (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)--------------------148
    広島大学学校教育学部   尼崎 睦実 (Amasaki, Mutsumi)
15. 代数曲線上のline bundleのnormal generationについて (射影多様体の座標環の自由分解とその周辺の話題)------------------------------156
    徳島大学総合科学部   大渕 朗 (Ohbuchi, Akira)
16. Normalized tautological divisors of semi-stable vector bundles (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)----167
    京都大学数理解析研究所   中山 昇 (Nakayama, Noboru)
17. Alexander duality theorem and Stanley-Reisner rings (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)---------------174
    佐賀大学文化教育学部   寺井 直樹 (Terai, Naoki)
18. REGULARITY OF POWERS OF SOME IDEALS (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)-------------------------------185
    明治大学商学部   鴨井 祐二 (Kamoi, Yuji)
19. Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein properties of invariant subrings (Free resolution of defining ideals of projective varieties)----190
    名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科   橋本 光靖 (Hashimoto, Mitsuyasu)