Publications: Minimal representations, conformal geometry

[49] T. Kobayashi and B. Ørsted, Conformal geometry and branching laws for unitary representations attached to minimal nilpotent orbits, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 326 (1998), 925-930.
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[67] T. Kobayashi, On the canonical inner product on the space of global solutions of the Yamabe operator, Proceedings of Differential Geometry Symposium on ''Various Geometric Structures'', 2002, pp. 4-5.
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[68] T. Kobayashi, The canonical inner product on the space of solutions of the Yamabe operator, Surikaiseki Kokyuroku, RIMS 1294 (2002), 76-86 (in Japanese), Representations of Noncomutative Algebraic Systems and Harmonic Analysis (organized by T. Ohta).
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[70] T. Kobayashi and B. Ørsted, Analysis on the minimal representations of O(p,q), I. - Realization and conformal geometry, Adv. Math. 180 (2003), 486-512.
[ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | ScienceDirect ]
[71] T. Kobayashi and B. Ørsted, Analysis on the minimal representations of O(p,q), II. - Branching laws, Adv. Math. 180 (2003), 513-550.
[ full info | arXiv | RIMS preprint(pdf) | RIMS preprint(ps.gz) | preprint version(pdf) | preprint version(dvi) | ScienceDirect ]
[72] T. Kobayashi and B. Ørsted, Analysis on the minimal representations of O(p,q), III. - Ultra-hyperbolic equations on Rp-1,q-1, Adv. Math. 180 (2003), 551-595.
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[73] T. Kobayashi, Conformal geometry and global solutions to the yamabe equations on classical pseudo-riemannian manifolds, Supplemento di Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II 71 (2003), 15-40, Lecture Notes of the 22th Winter School 2002 on Geometry and Physics, Czech Republic.
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[75] T. Kobayashi, Schrodinger model of the minimal representation of O(p,q), Surikaiseki Kokyuroku, RIMS 1342 (2003), 107-116 (in Japanese), Automorphic Forms on Type IV Symmetric Domains (edited by T. Oda).
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[81] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano, Integral formulas for the minimal representations for O(p, 2), Acta Appl. Math. 83 (2005), 103-113.
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[88] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano, The minimal representation of O(p,2) and an integral formula for the inversion operator, Surikaiseki Kokyuroku, RIMS 1410 (2005), 173-187 (in Japanese), Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces (organized by J. Inoue).
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[89] T. Kobayashi, Fourier transform of a minimal K-type vector in the minimal representation of O(p+1,q+1), Surikaiseki Kokyuroku, RIMS 1421 (2005), 1-11 (in Japanese), Automorphic Forms on Sp(2,R) and SU(2,2), III (organized by T. Oda).
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[92] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano, The inversion operator for the minimal representation of O(p,q), Surikaiseki Kokyuroku, RIMS 1467 (2006), 51-61 (in Japanese), Representation Theory of Groups and Extension of Harmonic Analysis (edited by T. Kawazoe).
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[100] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano, Integral formula of the unitary inversion operator for the minimal representation of O(p,q), Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A 83 (2007), no. 3, 27-31.
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[P] T. Kobayashi and G. Mano, The inversion formula and holomorphic extension of the minimal representation of the conformal group, Harmonic Analysis, Group Representations, Automorphic Forms and Invariant Theory: In Honour of Roger E. Howe (Jian-Shu Li, Eng-Chye Tan, Nolan Wallach, and Chen-Bo Zhu, eds.), Singapore University Press and World Scientific Publishing, to appear. math.RT/0607007.
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Last modified: 24 March 2007