Dates: May 22, 2019 (Wed) - May 24, 2019 (Fri)
Place: Room 420, RIMS, Kyoto University
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PDF version of Program with Abstracts
13:20--14:10 Ryo Nikkuni (School of Arts and Sciences, Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
On generalizations of the Conway-Gordon theorems
14:30--15:20 Benjamin Bode (Osaka University / JSPS Research Fellow)
Braid group actions on the $n$-adic integers
15:40--16:30 Han Yoshida (National Institute of Technology, Nara College)
Hidden symmetries of hyperbolic links
10:00--10:50 Yuya Koda (Department of Mathematics, Hiroshima University)
Positive flow-spines and contact 3-manifolds
11:10--12:00 Shunsuke Tsuji (RIMS, Kyoto University / JSPS Research Fellow PD)
A HOMFLY-PT type invariant for integral homology 3-spheres
13:20--14:10 Tian Yang (Texas A&M University)
Some resent progress on the volume conjecture for the Turaev-Viro invariants
14:30--15:20 J. Scott Carter (University of South Alabama / OCAMI, Osaka City University / George Washington University)
Diagrammatic Algebra
15:40--   Problem Session
10:00--10:50 Yuanyuan Bao (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo)
The Heegaard Floer homology of a trivalent graph defined on two Heegaard diagrams
11:10--12:00 Taketo Sano (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo)
Rasmussen invariant and the divisibility of Lee's class
13:20--14:10 Masaki Taniguchi (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo / JSPS Research Fellow DC)
Filtered instanton Floer homology and the homology cobordism group
14:30--15:20 Shin Satoh (Department of Mathematics, Kobe University)
Writhe polynomials and shell moves for virtual knots and links
Scientific Committee:
Akio Kawauchi, Toshitake Kohno, Taizo Kanenobu, Seiichi Kamada, Tomotada Ohtsuki
Tomotada Ohtsuki (RIMS, Kyoto University),
Hirotaka Akiyoshi (Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University)