Dates: May 22, 2024 (Wed) - May 24, 2024 (Fri)
This conference is planned to be held atPDF version of Program with Abstracts
13:40--14:20 Makoto Ozawa (Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Arts and
Sciences, Komazawa University)
Forbidden complexes for the 3-sphere
14:40--15:20 Hajime Kubota (Kyoto University)
Grid homology and the connected sum of knots
15:40--16:20 Andras Juhasz (University of Oxford) (online)
The unknotting number, hard unknot diagrams, and reinforcement learning
10:30--11:10 Kodai Wada (Kobe University)
The orbit classification of \(\mathbb{Z}^m\) by the \(m\)-braid group
11:30--12:10 Naoki Kimura (Tokyo University of Science)
Classical invariants and rack coloring invariants of Legendrian knots
13:40--14:20 Sebastian Baader (University of Bern)
Minimal topological cobordisms between even strand torus knots
14:40--15:20 Jun Murakami (Waseda University)
On complexified tetrahedron for double twist knots
15:40-- Problem Session
10:30~11:10 Leo Yoshioka (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University
of Tokyo)
Non-trivial geometric cycles of the space of long embeddings detected by 2-loop graphs
11:30~12:10 Keisuke Himeno (Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering,
Hiroshima University)
Hyperbolic knots whose Upsilon invariants are convex
13:40~14:20 Mai Katada (Kyushu University)
The first homology of the \(IA\)-automorphism groups of free groups with coefficients in
spaces of Jacobi diagrams
14:40~15:20 Renaud Detcherry (Université de Bourgogne) (online)
On the volume conjecture for Turaev-Viro invariants of 3-manifolds
Scientific Committee:
Hirotaka Akiyoshi, Naoko Kamada, Seiichi Kamada, Toshitake Kohno, Tomotada Ohtsuki
Tomotada Ohtsuki (RIMS, Kyoto University),
Tadayuki Watanabe (Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University)