
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2024

Dates: May 22, 2024 (Wed) - May 24, 2024 (Fri)

This conference is planned to be held at
Room 420, RIMS, Kyoto University,
whose live streaming is distributed online.


PDF version of Program with Abstracts

May 22 (Wed)

13:40--14:20   Makoto Ozawa (Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Komazawa University)
Forbidden complexes for the 3-sphere

14:40--15:20   Hajime Kubota (Kyoto University)
Grid homology and the connected sum of knots

15:40--16:20   Andras Juhasz (University of Oxford) (online)
The unknotting number, hard unknot diagrams, and reinforcement learning

May 23 (Thu)

10:30--11:10   Kodai Wada (Kobe University)
The orbit classification of \(\mathbb{Z}^m\) by the \(m\)-braid group

11:30--12:10   Naoki Kimura (Tokyo University of Science)
Classical invariants and rack coloring invariants of Legendrian knots

13:40--14:20   Sebastian Baader (University of Bern)
Minimal topological cobordisms between even strand torus knots

14:40--15:20   Jun Murakami (Waseda University)
On complexified tetrahedron for double twist knots

15:40--   Problem Session

May 24 (Fri)

10:30~11:10   Leo Yoshioka (Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Non-trivial geometric cycles of the space of long embeddings detected by 2-loop graphs

11:30~12:10   Keisuke Himeno (Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University)
Hyperbolic knots whose Upsilon invariants are convex

13:40~14:20   Mai Katada (Kyushu University)
The first homology of the \(IA\)-automorphism groups of free groups with coefficients in spaces of Jacobi diagrams

14:40~15:20   Renaud Detcherry (Université de Bourgogne) (online)
On the volume conjecture for Turaev-Viro invariants of 3-manifolds

Scientific Committee: Hirotaka Akiyoshi, Naoko Kamada, Seiichi Kamada, Toshitake Kohno, Tomotada Ohtsuki
Organizers: Tomotada Ohtsuki (RIMS, Kyoto University), Tadayuki Watanabe (Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University)

Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2023
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2022
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2021
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2020
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2019
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2018
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2017
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2016
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2015
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2014
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2013
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2012
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2011
Intelligence of Low-dimensional Topology 2010