眞田 嵩大 (Takahiro Sanada)

日本語のページ(Japanese page)

I am an assistant professor at Fukui Prefectural University.

My research interests are programming language and its semantics.


Takahiro Sanada (眞田 嵩大)

Fukui Prefectural University, Eiheiji-cho 910-1195, Japan.

Email: tsanada (at) fpu.ac.jp, tsanada.cs (at) gmail.com

Papers / Preprints

  1. T.S. Algebraic effects and handlers for arrows. Journal of Functional Programming. 34. 2024. [doi]
  2. Koko Muroya, T.S., and Natsuki Urabe. Preorder-Constrained Simulations for Program Refinement with Effects. CMCS 2024. [doi]
  3. T.S., Ryota Kojima, Yuichi Komorida, Koko Muroya, and Ichiro Hasuo. Explicit Hopcroft’s Trick in Categorical Partition Refinement. CMCS 2024. [doi] [preprint at arXiv]
  4. T.S. Category-Graded Algebraic Theories and Effect Handlers. MFPS 2022. [doi] [extended version]
  5. Koko Muroya, T.S., and Natsuki Urabe. Preorder-Constrained Simulation for Nondeterministic Automata (Early Idea). CALCO 2021. [doi]

Talks / Posters

  1. Algebraic Effects and Handlers for Arrows. JFP first paper, ICFP 2024. Milan. September 2024. [slide]
  2. アローに対する代数的エフェクトとエフェクトハンドラ. 日本ソフトウェア科学会 第40回大会. 2023年9月. [slide in Japanese][講演論文]
  3. アローに対する代数的エフェクトとエフェクトハンドラ. SLACS 2023. 2023年 9月.
  4. アローに対する代数的エフェクトとエフェクトハンドラ. RIMS 木曜セミナー. 2023年6月8日. [slide in Japanese]
  5. Algebraic Effects and Handlers for Arrows. International Symposium on Advanced Quantum Technology for Future 2023. 14 March, 2023. [poster]
  6. ファイブレーションを用いた分割細分アルゴリズムとHopcroftの最適化の構造CSCAT 2023. 2023年3月. [slide in Japanese] joint work with Ryota Kojima, Yuichi Komorida, Koko Muroya, and Ichiro Hasuo.
  7. An Inequality for the Complexity of Bisimilarity Computations and a Fibrational Algorithm. The 8th KTGU Mathematics Workshop for Young Researchers. January 2023. [poster] joint work with Ryota Kojima, Yuichi Komorida, Koko Muroya, and Ichiro Hasuo.
  8. Algebraic Effect and Handlers. Workshop for Advanced Quantum Technology for Future 2022. 30 September 2022. [poster]
  9. Category-Graded Effect System and Algebraic Theory. ERATO Project Colloquium. 6 September 2022. [slide]
  10. Category-Graded Effect System and Algebraic Theory. International Symposium on Advanced Quantum Technology for Future 2022. [poster]
  11. 代数・モナド・プログラム学生談話会. 2021年7月8日. [概要] [slide in Japanese]
  12. Category-Graded Algebraic Theories and Effect Handlers. CSCAT 2021. March 2021.


I made the following softwares.



People: Yota Maeda, Kengo Hirata, Keisuke Hoshino, Yuto Kawase, Hayato Nasu,