Solutions of Nonlinear Elliptic Equations
鈴木 貴
目 次
1. Recent Progress in Semilinear Elliptic Equations(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)--------------------------------------1
    School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota   Ni, Wei-Ming
2. 準線型楕円型境界値問題の最近の発展について(非線形楕円型偏微分方程式の解)---------------------------------------------------------40
    金沢大学理学部   林田 和也 (Hayasida, Kazuya)
3. 半線形楕円型方程式の全域解について(非線形楕円型偏微分方程式の解)-----------------------------------------------------------------58
    広島大学理学部   草野 尚 (Kusano, Takasi)
4. Harmonic Maps in 2 and 3 dimensions(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)--------------------------------------------------69
    東京大学理学部   中島 啓 (NAKAJIMA, Hiraku)
5. Semilinear equations with exponential nonlinearity(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)-----------------------------------80
    東京都立大学理学部   鈴木 貴 (SUZUKI, Takashi)
6. Prescribing Gaussian Curvature on S$^2$(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)---------------------------------------------106
    Institute of Applied Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University / Department of Mathematics, The Unviersity of Mathematics, The University of Michigan   Cheng, Kuo-Shung / Smoller, Joel A.
7. On Higher Differentiability and Partial Regularity if the Minimizers in the Calculus of Variations(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)---117
    Keio University   堀畑 和弘 (HORIHATA, KAZUHIRO)
8. Blow-up of Solutions for Semilinear Parabolic Equations(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)-----------------------------127
    Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo   伊藤 達夫 (Itoh, Tatsuo)
9. Perturbed solutions of semilinear equations in the singularly perturbed domain(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)------140
    University of Tokyo   JIMBO, Shuichi
10. アフィン代数多様体上のリッチ曲率が零の完備ケーラー計量について(非線形楕円型偏微分方程式の解)-----------------------------------154
    東京大学教養学部   小林 亮一
11. On the rate of convergence in singular perturbations of obstacle problems(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)----------163
    早稲田大学理工学部   小池 茂昭 (Koike, Shigeaki)
12. On Some Elliptic Equations with Nonlocal Nonlinear Terms(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)---------------------------174
    学習院大学理学部   倉田 和浩 (Kurata, Kazuhiro)
13. On Non-radially Symmetric Bifurcation in the Annulus(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)-------------------------------183
    Department of Applied Mathematics   LIN, SONG-SUN
14. Asymptotic behavior of the Bellman equation(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)----------------------------------------194
    徳島大学総合科学部   長井 英生
15. Local Profile of mild solutions in 2D symmetric domains(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)----------------------------202
    東京工芸大学   中根 静男 (Nakane, Shizuo)
16. Eigenvalue Problems for Some Qusilinear Equations(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)----------------------------------210
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tokai University   OTANI, Mitsuharu
17. Uniqueness of critical point of solutions(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)------------------------------------------219
    Numazu College of Technology   坂口 茂 (Sakaguchi, Shigeru)
18. On the projectively minimal hypersurfaces(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)------------------------------------------232
    熊本大学理学部   佐々木 武 (Sasaki, T.)
19. Harmonic Mapに対する収束定理(非線形楕円型偏微分方程式の解)---------------------------------------------------------------------240
    東京都立大学理学部   高桑 昇一郎 (Takakuwa, Shoichiro)
20. SOLUTIONS OF SOME SEMILINEAR ELLIPTIC PROBLEMS(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)-------------------------------------250
    Department of Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University   Wang, Hwai-chiuan
21. A generalized Pohozaev identity and its applications(Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations)-------------------------------261
    宮崎大学工学部   四ツ谷 晶二 (YOTSUTANI, Shoji)