RIMS Kôkyûroku
Complex Dynamics
目 次
1. Holomorphic classification of 2-dimensional quadratic maps tangent to the identity (Complex Dynamics)-----------------------------1
    Dipartimento di Matematica, Univ. di Pisa   Abate, Marco
    京都大学理学研究科数学教室   足助 太郎 (Asuke, Taro)
3. The Foliated Geodesic Flow on Riccati Equations (Complex Dynamics)---------------------------------------------------------------20
    Laboratoire de Topologie, UMR 5584 du CNRS / CIMAT / CIMAT   Bonatti, C. / Gomez-Mont, X. / Vila-Freyer, Ricardo
4. A NOTE ON INDICES THEOREMS (Complex Dynamics)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39
    Dipartimento di matematica, Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata"   Bracci, Filippo
5. Markov partitions for fibre expanding systems (Complex Dynamics)-----------------------------------------------------------------46
    Institut fur Mathematische Stochastik, Universitat Gottingen / Institut fur Mathematische Stochastik, Universitat Gottingen   Denker, Manfred / Holzmann, Hajo
6. BIRATIONAL MAPS WITH SPARSE POST-CRITICAL SETS (Complex Dynamics)----------------------------------------------------------------56
    Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame   Diller, Jeffrey
7. Properties of limit sets of Teichmuller modular groups (Complex Dynamics)--------------------------------------------------------66
    京都大学数理解析研究所   藤川 英華 (Fujikawa, Ege)
8. Instability of nondiscrete free subgroups in Lie groups (Complex Dynamics)-------------------------------------------------------72
    CNRS, Unite de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, M.R., Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon   Glutsyuk, Alexey
9. A survey of real transverse sections of holomorphic foliations (Complex Dynamics)------------------------------------------------86
    龍谷大学経済学部 / Instituto de Matematica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro   伊藤 敏和 / Scardua Bruno (Ito, Toshikazu / Scardua, Bruno)
10. Note on dynamically stable perturbations of parabolics (Complex Dynamics)-------------------------------------------------------90
    名古屋大学多元数理科学研究科   川平 友規 (Kawahira, Tomoki)
11. CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLY-CONNECTED WANDERING DOMAINS (Complex Dynamics)----------------------------------------------------------108
    京都大学人間・環境学研究科 / 京都大学理学研究科   木坂 正史 / 宍倉 光広 (Kisaka, Masashi / Shishikura, Mitsuhiro)
12. On the complex basin of real attractors (Complex Dynamics)---------------------------------------------------------------------124
    Inst. of Math., Hebrew University   Levin, Genadi
13. Dynamics of entire functions with two singular values (Complex Dynamics)-------------------------------------------------------130
    高知大学理学部 / 京都大学理学研究科   諸澤 俊介 / 谷口 雅彦 (Morosawa, Shunsuke / Taniguchi, Masahiko)
14. Center conditions for polynomial differential equations : discussion of some problems (Complex Dynamics)-----------------------138
    Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universtat [Universitat]   Movasati, Hossein
15. Relations of formal diffeomorphisms (Complex Dynamics)-------------------------------------------------------------------------145
    お茶の水女子大学理学部数学教室 / お茶の水女子大学人間文化研究科   中居 功 / 柳井 佳奈 (Nakai, Isao / Yanai, Kana)
16. Non-landing of stretching rays for real cubic polynomials and real biquadratic polynomials (Complex Dynamics)------------------164
    東京工芸大学   中根 静男 (Nakane, Shizuo)
17. A generalization of the Cremer theorem by the Nevanlinna theoretical argument (Complex Dynamics)-------------------------------170
    金沢大学理学部数学科   奥山 裕介 (Okuyama, Yusuke)
18. The identity of various exceptional sets in complex dynamics and the Nevanlinna theory and its application to the potential theory (Complex Dynamics)---176
    金沢大学理学部数学科   奥山 裕介 (Okuyama, Yusuke)
19. Hyperbolic Hausdorff dimension is equal to the minimal exponent of conformal measure on Julia set : A simple proof (Complex Dynamics)---182
    Polish Academy of Science   Przytycki, Feliks
20. Julia set describes quantum tunneling in the presence of chaos (Complex Dynamics)----------------------------------------------187
    首都大学東京物理学教室   首藤 啓 (Shudo, Akira)
21. Dynamics of polynomial semigroups with bounded postcritical set in the plane (Complex Dynamics)--------------------------------198
    東京工業大学理工学研究科   角 大輝 (Sumi, Hiroki)
22. Uniform perfectness of fiberwise Julia sets of fibered rational maps (Complex Dynamics)----------------------------------------216
    東京工業大学理工学研究科   角 大輝 (Sumi, Hiroki)
23. Dynamics of postcritically bounded polynomial semigroups and interaction cohomology (Complex Dynamics)-------------------------227
    東京工業大学理工学研究科   角 大輝 (Sumi, Hiroki)
24. INTERSECTIONS, RESIDUE THEOREMS ON SINGULAR SURFACES AND APPLICATIONS (Complex Dynamics)---------------------------------------239
    北海道大学理学研究科   諏訪 立雄 (Suwa, Tatsuo)
25. Cayley Graphs in Laminations (Complex Dynamics)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------246
    Mathematics Department, University of Toronto   田中 泰浩 (Tanaka, Yasuhiro)