RIMS Kôkyûroku
New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences
RIMS Œ¤‹†W‰ï•ñW
Michiro Kondo
1. Study of 3D L-systems (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)-------------------------1
@@@@H“c‘åŠwHŠwŽ‘Œ¹Šw•”î•ñHŠw‰È@@@‚‹´ —º@(Takahashi,Ryo)
2. One-way Jumping Finite Automata (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---------------3
@@@@H“c‘åŠwHŠwŽ‘Œ¹Šw•” / H“c‘åŠwHŠwŽ‘Œ¹Šw•” / H“c‘åŠwHŠwŽ‘Œ¹Šw•” @@@ç쌴 Š°”V / Fazekas Szilard Zsolt / ŽR‘º –¾O@(Chigahara,Hiroyuki / Fazekas,Szilard Zsolt / Yamamura,Akihiro)
3. On Triality and Pre-structurable Algebras (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)----15
@@@@‰ï’ÑåŠw / Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester@@@_’J “¿º / ‘å‹v•Û i@(Kamiya,Noriaki / Okubo,Susumu)
4. Extractable Codes and Conjugacy Classes (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)------27
@@@@ɪ—H‰È‘åŠw‘‡î•ñŠw•”@@@š Ž —Çs@(Kunimochi,Yoshiyuki)
5. An automated reasoning system with a preparatory inference (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---35
@@@@ŒvŽZ˜_—Œ¤‹†Š / ‰¡•lŽs—§‘åŠw‘Û‘‡‰ÈŠw•”@@@¬—Ñ ‰pP / ¬–ì —zŽq@(Kobayashi,Hidetsune / Ono,Yoko)
6. Application of Leftover Hash Lemma to Public Key Encryptions Based on Conjugacy Search Problem (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---40
@@@@H“c‘åŠwHŠwŽ‘Œ¹Šw•”@@@ŽR‘º –¾O@(Yamamura,Akihiro)
7. HNN-extensions, amalgamated free products and their group rings (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---46
@@@@•ºŒÉŒ§—§‘åŠwŒoÏŠw•”@@@¼’† P˜a@(Nishinaka,Tsunekazu)
8. Quasi-symmetric numerical semigroups and double covers of curves (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---55
@@@@_“ÞìH‰È‘åŠwŠî‘bE‹³—{‹³ˆçƒZƒ“ƒ^[@@@•Ä“c “ñ—Ç@(Komeda,Jiryo)
9. GOOD IDEALS AND ULRICH IDEALS IN NUMERICAL SMIGROUP [SEMIGROUP] RINGS (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---61
@@@@“ú–{‘åŠw•¶—Šw•”@@@“n•Ó Œhˆê@(Watanabe,Keiichi)
10. ALMOST SYMMETRIC NUMERICAL SEMIGROUPS (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)-------69
@@@@“ú–{‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@‘‡Šî‘b‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@À“c ’G@(Numata,Takahiro)
11. Regulated Grammars and Automata : The Gist with a Case Study (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---78
@@@@Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology@@@Meduna,Alexander
12. Structural and Quantitative Characteristics of Information and Complexity (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---88
@@@@‘Û‹³—{‘åŠw@@@Schroeder,Marcin J.
13. Linear cellular automata over commutative Artin rings (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---98
@@@@“Œ—m‘åŠw‘‡î•ñŠw•”@@@²“¡ ’‰ˆê@(Sato,Tadakazu)
14. Centralizing Monoids on a Three -Element Set Related to Majority Functions (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---105
@@@@TU Wien / ‘ÛŠî“‹³‘åŠw / U. Montreal@@@Goldstern Martin / ’¬“c Œ³ / Rosenberg Ivo G.@(Goldstern,Martin / Machida,Hajime / Rosenberg,Ivo G.)
15. On weakly separable extensions (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)-------------113
@@@@‰ªŽR‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@Ž©‘R‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰È / ‰ªŽR‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@Ž©‘R‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰È@@@ŽR’† ‘ / ’r”¨ Gˆê@(Yamanaka,Satoshi / Ikehata,Shuichi)
16. Multi secret sharing scheme based on Hermitian interpolation (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---125
@@@@“Œ–M‘åŠw—Šw•”@@@‘«—§ ’qŽq@(Adachi,Tomoko)
17. ³‹KŒ¾Œê‚ÌVariety Theory‚Æ“®“I–½‘è˜_— (‘㔌nE˜_—EŒ¾Œê‚ÆŒvŽZ‹@‰ÈŠw‚ÌV‚½‚ÈÚ“_)--------------------------------------------133
@@@@‹ž“s‘åŠw”—‰ðÍŒ¤‹†Š@@@‰Y–{ •—Y@(Uramoto,Takeo)
18. The law $\beta$A on Trices (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)-----------------152
@@@@b“ì‘åŠw—HŠw•”@@@–x“à ´Œõ@(Horiuchi,Kiyomitsu)
19. NON-REGULAR SEMIGROUPS WHICH ARE AMALGAMATION BASES (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---163
@@@@“‡ª‘åŠw‘‡—HŠw•”@@@¯Ži –MF@(Shoji,Kunitaka)
20. ˆêˆÓ”¼’Pˆê‰»–â‘è‚ƃAƒ“ƒJ[•t‚«”¼’Pˆê‰»–â‘è‚Ì”äŠr (‘㔌nE˜_—EŒ¾Œê‚ÆŒvŽZ‹@‰ÈŠw‚ÌV‚½‚ÈÚ“_)----------------------------------167
@@@@“‡ª‘åŠw‘‡—HŠwŒ¤‹†‰Èî•ñƒVƒXƒeƒ€Šw—̈æ@@@ŠâŒ© @O@(Iwami,Munehiro)
21. Continuous bands on a real interval (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)--------172
@@@@“Œ–M‘åŠw—Šw•” / “Œ–M‘åŠw—Šw•” / “Œ–M‘åŠw—Šw•”@@@¬—Ñ ‚䂤Ž¡ / ‚‹´ áÁ‰f / ’Ë“c ^@(Kobayashi,Yuji / Takahashi,Sin-Ei / Tsukada,Makoto)
22. REGULARITY OF ITERATIVE HAIRPIN COMPLETIONS OF CROSSING $(2,2)$-WORDS (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---176
@@@@“V—‘åŠw‘‡‹³ˆçŒ¤‹†ƒZƒ“ƒ^[@@@’Ò ‰À‘ãŽq@(Shikishima-Tsuji,Kayoko)
23. A proposal of an index to the graph isomorphism based on the structural square of a graph (New contact points of algebraic systems, logics, languages, and computer sciences)---180
@@@@‰ªŽR‘åŠwŽ©‘R‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰È / ‰ªŽR‘åŠwŽ©‘R‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰È @@@_•Û GŽi / ’†ì —YŠó@(Jimbo,Shuji / Nakagawa,Yuki)