Type of RIMS Joint Research Activities
RIMS Research Projects
RIMS Workshops
RIMS Symposia
RIMS Satellite Seminars
RIMS Review Seminars

[RIMS Workshops (Type A,B,C)] Open or closed workshop

  • Type A: A group consisting of at least two researchers shall be formed. The researchers conduct joint research at RIMS for a few days to two weeks. RIMS starts accepting applications around September each academic year.
  • Type B: A group comprising a few researchers, including at least one international researcher and one domestic researcher, conducts joint research at RIMS for a few days to about one week. RIMS accepts proposals throughout the year.
  • Type C: A group comprising a few international researchers conducts joint research at RIMS for a few days to about one week. RIMS accepts proposals throughout the year.

[RIMS Symposia] Open Symposia

These are open symposium-style joint research activities. The programs of these joint research activities shall be notified to organizations/institutions in Japan. RIMS starts accepting applications around September each academic year.

"Promotion of Women's Participation" in Research Activities

We encourage the participation of female mathematicians in our research community at RIMS. To support this, we have introduced a specific "Promotion of Women's Participation" workshop/symposium program. To be eligible for this, proposals must meet the following three conditions.
 (1) The principal organizer is female. (If there are two, both are female.)
 (2) More than half of the speakers (which should be specified in the proposal) are female.
 (3) More than half of the expected participants listed in the proposal are female.
The Advisory Board will select up to three such proposals. For those accepted, a budget of up to 1.2 million yen will be offered; this is to support travel expenses for the participants, and encourage international participation. Proposals not adopted as this type of project will still hold a chance to be selected as a regular RIMS Workshop/Symposium. The Technical Committee and the Advisory Board will make the selection and decide on the budget (up to 700,000 yen) for each of the proposals accepted as a regular RIMS Workshop/Symposium.
For more details, please refer to the webpage below. In particular, see the "Guidelines for Grant Proposal Application Form (for “Promotion of Women's Participation”)", and "How to Write the Proposal (for “Promotion of Women's Participation”)".
Please note that the application form and the instructions (“How to Write the Proposal”) for the "Promotion of Women's Participation" scheme are different from those for the regular RIMS Workshops/Symposia program.

Financial support

The maximum amount of travel expenses that can be applied for is 700,000 Japanese yen for each Joint Research Activity. (This can be used to cover, for example, transportation fees between the participants’ home countries and Japan, transportation fees in Japan, accommodation fees, and a per diem for invited overseas researchers.)

* Access (domestic travel expenses)

Screening process

The Advisory Board of RIMS will select proposals to be approved from among the submitted proposals for Joint Research Activities and decide the amount of travel expenses allocated to each approved Joint Research Activity.

Available facilities

Seminar rooms that can be used for joint research activities are introduced on the following page.
Seminar rooms and facilities for joint research

COVID-19 updates for organizers and participants

Guidelines for RIMS Joint Research Activities

Guidelines for Principal Researcher Guidline are available on the following page.

Guidelines for Principal Researcher

Guidelines and Application form (RIMS Workshops(Type A), Symposia)

Web Submission (closed)
Guidelines for Grant Proposal PDF  
Application form for proposal PDF 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→PDF 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→EXCEL 
Application form for proposal (LaTeX) zip 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→zip
How to Write the Proposal PDF 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→PDF 
Intention Survey PDF 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→PDF 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→WORD 
About Kôkyûroku Bessatsu PDF  
Advisory Board list PDF  
Technical Committee list PDF  
Web Submission (closed)
Guidelines for Grant Proposal PDF  
Application form for proposal PDF 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→PDF 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→EXCEL 
Application form for proposal (LaTeX) zip 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→zip
How to Write the Proposal PDF 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→PDF 
Intention Survey PDF 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→PDF 

" Promotion of Women's Participation "→WORD 
About Kôkyûroku Bessatsu PDF  
Advisory Board list PDF  
Technical Committee list PDF  
List of Advisory Board and Technical Committee members

* Access (domestic travel expenses)

Guidelines and Application form (RIMS Workshops(Type B))

New !!

Proposals are solicited
throughout the year.

deadline(1): Nov.27,2023(JST)

deadline(2): May. 7,2024(JST)

deadline(3): Aug.30,2024(JST)

Web Submission URL  
Guidelines for Grant Proposal PDF  
Application form for proposal PDF 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF

"Promotion of Women's Participation"EXCEL
Application form for proposal (LaTeX) zip 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"zip
How to Write the Proposal PDF 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF
Intention Survey PDF 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF
Advisory Board list PDF  
Technical Committee list PDF  
Web Submission (closed)  
Guidelines for Grant Proposal PDF  
Application form for proposal PDF 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF

"Promotion of Women's Participation"EXCEL
Application form for proposal (LaTeX) zip 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"zip
How to Write the Proposal PDF 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF
Intention Survey PDF 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF
Advisory Board list PDF  
Technical Committee list PDF  
List of Advisory Board and Technical Committee members

* Access (domestic travel expenses)

Guidelines and Application form (RIMS Workshops(Type C))


We accept proposals throughout the year

First deadline: Friday, August 30, 2024, 23:59 (JST)
* for workshops to be conducted between April 2025 and March 2026.

Second deadline: Friday, November 29, 2024, 23:59 (JST)
* for workshops to be conducted between September 2025 and March 2026.

Third deadline: Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 23:59 (JST)
* for workshops to be conducted between December 2025 and March 2026.

Web Submission URL
Guidelines for Grant Proposal PDF  
Application form for proposal PDF 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF

"Promotion of Women's Participation"EXCEL
Application form for proposal (LaTeX) zip 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"zip
How to Write the Proposal PDF 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF
Web Submission (closed)
Guidelines for Grant Proposal PDF  
Application form for proposal PDF 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF

"Promotion of Women's Participation"EXCEL
Application form for proposal (LaTeX) zip 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"zip
How to Write the Proposal PDF 

"Promotion of Women's Participation"PDF
List of Advisory Board and Technical Committee members

* Access (domestic travel expenses)


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Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS)