Seminar at RIMS of Kyoto University
Applications of RG Methods in Mathematical Sciences
2001 July 25 (Wed) - 2001 July 27 (Fri)

Res.Inst.Math.Sci. Room No.115

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(Updated: July 20, 2002)

The seminar on Applications of Renormalization Group (RG) Methods in Mathematical Sciences was held in July, 2001. Those who were working in mathematical sciences using renormalization group methods gathered together to diuscuss further developements. The talks delivered in the seminar was published as the proceedings from Reserach Institute for Mathematical Sciences. (RIMS Kokyuroku, No.1275, 2002, July)


The seminar was organized as follows. One can see their talks (contributions to the proceedings) by clicking [pdf] or [ps] written after the titles of their talks. Final forms of their contributions are found in the proceedings (RIMS Kokyuroku, No.1275, 2002 July)

Programme (2001 July)

July 25 (Wed.)
Morning Session
R.Lefevere Louvain/Kyoto Renormalizing the RG Pathologies [pdf file] [ps file]
J.Lorinczi TU Munchen Toward a Mathematical Theory of Renormalization [pdf file] [ps file]
Afternoon Session
K.R.Ito Setsunan Univ. Absence of Phase Transitions in 2D O(N) Spin Models [pdf file] [ps file]
D.Marchetti Sao Paulo RG Flow of 2D Hierachical Coulomb Gas [pdf file] [ps file]
A.Arai Hokkaido Univ. Scaling Limit of Relativistic QED with Cutoffs
I.Veselic Bochum/Osaka Wegner Estimate for Indefinite Anderson Potential [pdf file] [ps file]
F.Hiroshima Setsunan Univ. Vacuum of the Pauli-Fierz Model (Classical QED ) and RG [pdf file] [ps file]
July 26 (Thu.)
Morning Session
M.W.Yoshida Univ. Electro. Commun. Non-Linear SDEs on Euclidean Free Fields [pdf file] [ps file]
K.Hattori Shinshu Univ. Self-Repelling Walks on the Sierpinski Gasket [pdf file] [ps file]
T.Shirai Tokyo Inst. Tech. Spectrum of the Infinitely Extended Sierpinski Graph [pdf file] [ps file]
Afternoon Session
M.Shishikura Kyoto Univ. Renormalization in Complex Dynamics
H.Matano Tokyo Univ. Non-Linear Diff. Eqs. and RG (survey)
Y.Yamaguchi Kyoto Univ. Renormalization Group Methods in Diff.Eqs. [pdf file] [ps file]
T.Kunihiro RIFP(Kyoto Univ.) Applications of the RG Method to Transport Equations [pdf file] [ps file]
July 27 (Fri.)
Morning Session
M.Fukuma YITP Holographic Renormalization Group [pdf file] [ps file]
K-I. Aoki Kanazawa Univ. RG Methods to solve dynamical chiral symmetry breaking [pdf file] [ps file]
K.I.Kondo Chiba Univ. Quark Confinement and Mass Gap from the Viewpoint of RG
Afternoon Session
H.Watanabe Nippon M.U. Triviality of 4D Hierarchical Scalar Models [pdf file] [ps file]
C.Itoi Nihon Univ. Universal Behaviors and Rich Structures in Infinite Order Phase Transitions [pdf file] [ps file]
S.Higuchi Ryukoku Univ. O(N) Loop Model and Desity Matrix RG [pdf file] [ps file]
T.Nishino Kobe Univ. Density Matrix and RG [pdf file] [ps file]
M.Hirokawa Okayama Univ. A Phase Transition of a Boson-Fermion Model and Renormalizable Field Theory [pdf file] [ps file]
RG=Renormalization Group,
QED=Quantum Electrodynamics,

The First RIMS Symp. on "Appl. RG Methods in Math. Sci. (1999, July)"
The Third RIMS Symp. on "Appl. RG Methods in Math. Sci. (2003, Sept)"

Dept.of Math.Phys.
Setsunan University
Ikeda-Naka 17-8
Neyagawa City
572-8508  Osaka 

email :ito (at)
      :ito (at)
Phone : 81-(0)72-839-9183
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